Last minute Wyoming advice.

Most any taxidermist will do it for a reasonable fee, and ship, which as you know, may not be so reasonable. Shipping packages seems to get more and more expensive as the days go by.
I have been here for seven days now and the bucks are everywhere this year. I have seen a lot of nice ones. An anomoly: I went out today to fill my second doe tag (tagged out on my buck opening day), and doe #1 yesterday. All I could find was bucks! This evening, I got within 150 yds of a group of ten bucks of various sizes, including one that will go mid 80s, which I saw about a half me away this morning. Pulled up to the gate (this is private land I hunt) and watched three more very nice bucks for about half an hour... two of which I have seen multiple times this week. Not a doe seen in this area of the ranch this evening.
Good luck and have fun!
Dang Manitou. I'm hoping just to see one with horns above it's ears! I'd love to have your "problem" lol.

Heading out in about ten minutes here.

I'll try to keep this some what updated as time allows.

First stop is the spam museum!

When it rains or snows and melts it's gumbo builds up on your shoes and tires and is slick . It's supposed to be cooler here this week . If you are close to Douglas check out Kathy's big racks she does good work on the heads not sure on the price at this time . Be respectful and you will be respected in return .
Are there any places in the area that will do a euro mount for me there? And ship it out or have it done in a couple days?

I'm taking everything I need to process myself. Including a freezer.

Four of us are going
just ask around, butcher shop, gun store,etc-etc ...everybody in Wyoming knows someone who will do the euro mount. I bet you'll get one muey pronto
Take a GPS it's up to you to know where your are at and there aren't many fences or signs. Hope your gun is sighted in for long range shots. And if you are going to do a euro mount remember antelope have horns not antlers and they will slide off of the skull. And last have fun and if you treat the people of Wyoming good they will treat you better enjoy
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