Last minute Wyoming advice.

If you can still get them buy a few doe tags at the hardware store. Relax, you're going to see a bunch of goats. Oh, if you can get some rubber gloves to handle them, they have an interesting odor that will stick on your hands for a few weeks
Don't let the hair side of the hide touch your meat while you are skinning them the same as with a sheep it will leave a bad taste in the meat , use a different knife or wash it real well before cutting up your meat bone it before freezing it helps also .
If you can still get them buy a few doe tags at the hardware store. Relax, you're going to see a bunch of goats. Oh, if you can get some rubber gloves to handle them, they have an interesting odor that will stick on your hands for a few weeks

Looking online it looks like all the unit 29 doe tags are private lands. I can't see any that are public land.

Unless someone knows something that I don't. Doe tags would be nice. But I didn't think they were available

Looking online it looks like all the unit 29 doe tags are private lands. I can't see any that are public land.

Unless someone knows something that I don't. Doe tags would be nice. But I didn't think they were available

That's too bad, it was always a nice addition to our trips for antelope.
no they don't have tags that the land owners hand out . They have land owner tags for land owners and their family to use . but if you find a land owner that wants some does taken off of their hay or grain fields you can then buy a tag for a doe on private lands .
I always get a little hair on the meat when breaking them down. Just clean it off, it will be fine... it's not radioactive. You should avoid the black cheek patches on the bucks much like you avoid the tarsel glands on whitetails. I actually find a rutting whitetail odor way more offensive than pronghorn smell... which washes right off with soap and water btw. Now, get the oils on your hunt clothes and don't wash them, you will smell it a while. Again, I don't find it overly objectionable. Steve Renella says they smell like corn chips!
I split the hid from the inside to the out side so I don't cut much hair . I made a rounded tipped knife just for that . I push my hand under the hide to loosen it then cut it after the first cuts with a pointed knife . But then I'm used to skinning cats , fox , coyote ect. .
20191005_095510.jpg 20191005_092324.jpg First time anywhere Antelope Hunter, Just hunted and filled my first "Any Antelope Tag" yesterday Saturday, Oct. 5th. , opening day for 2nd. Draw, area is made up of lots of Private, Blm, and State Land, had written permission with one of the bigger ranches, here in Wyoming,
Bring lots of layers of clothing, yesterday temps were in the low 30's to 40's, winds were relentlessly insane all day, gusting to 40+mph. Yet Sunday's forecasted very low winds and warmer, go figure!, and Snow later this week!,
Used on-x maps app. to avoid tresspassing the many little pockets of private land,
Seen hundreds of antelope scouting the thursday before opening weekend, and only one hunter still trying to fill his 1st. Season draw tag which is good for both seasons,
The rut is in full swing, the fiesty scrapper bucks are wearing themselves ragged keeping their does together, and driving off challenger bucks, watched dominate bucks continuously chase down their does cutting in front of them steering them back to the group, seen them head buck other bucks and breeding does,
Passed up 27 bucks Sat. Morning before finding "The one" But Then later that day scouting out for my buddy's found out he has a twin, and even later found a really fiesty Tall guy, running around his large group of does but he was not quite fully mature,
Found out the bigger bucks are on the fringes acting solitary but sometimes joining up with small groups of does, but mostly staying far at the rear of them and keeping a distance, he doesn't let you walk within 500+yds if he sees you, but only goes a couple hundred yards to get away from you, and mine let me do this three times before he finally looked at his group of does as if to say "go ahead without me," "catch up with you later," " I'll make a 180 and lead this crazy hunter away from you"
He flicked his front left hoof forward as if he was shoving his does off, but after turning he would every so often flick that front left hoof as he lead me away, Acted like his hoof might have been wounded,
First time I wished I'd brought a heavier weighing rifle than my lightweight Ruger American .308win. very hard trying to settle your body, rifle/crosshairs, off tripod shooting sticks, kneeling in that much wind, Should have brought the Harris bi-pod and went prone, 165gr. Gmx. Handloads, shot was quartering away, slight down angle, walking left to right, shot high back of the ribs just under the spine, forward of diaphragm, took out top of the lungs, exited 1-1/2" hole rear side of left shoulder, tried to run, hindside dropped , 2 quick front leg hops then down, only small strip of lungs left, used the terrain to hide my approach, got the high ground at 213yds.
Walked up to him, Took picture, Tagged, checked out that front left hoof for damage only to find a small piece of sage branch wedged between the hoof! Gutted him out and dragged him to the nearest road, there are roads and trails literally everywhere, you cant walk in any direction and not hit a road or trail, left gear with the buck, got the truck , Hunt over for me.
Buddy got his buck 2 hours later, Other Buddy doesn't want the hunt over too soon, acting too picky, dammit!!!
We had a great day today. Started right at sunup in the Badlands. Then wall drug, black hills area. Actually went in an toured crazy horse monument. Been by it many times but never stopped. Then across into wyo and scouted all evening. Could have tagged out tonight. But wanted to look around and get serious tomorrow. Hopefully we don't regret that decision.

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