Lapua Brass Prep??

Depending on what I am going to do, or if I am going to resize the brass for a different chamber. I will set up and cut my brass to the same length to start with. I will then cut or thin the necks to a thickness so the thinning is stop at the same point each time at the neck shoulder. other wise cutting your necks for thickness will stop at different points. (No Good) That way once I have set up for that case I don't have to change anything after that. I put those items away and marked for that chamber. I anneal after each firing, sizes, set to cut case length each time also. The only thing is I anneal, size and trim cases. What does concerns me, because I haven't used bushing FL die enough to determine on the bumping of the shoulder yet or what other problems I am running into. I am not quite sure if I am getting the cart before the horse or not. This all stem from my 6mm-280AI chambering. I still don't have the rifle yet to work out any problem I may have. Not saying I am going to have any real problems either. The other is I am been ordering out bushing dies, and bushing for all the other calibers I load for. That is taking awhile too achieve. Money, Money! Any input welcome.
with new brass I weight each / then check neck thickness ( Neck turn my LR brass and clean it up to maybe 50-65 % ) / then flash hole deburring / case length before and after re-sizing brass, / use a piloted deburring too and then inside chamfering tool with a 15 degree angle. also do the primer pockets uniform depth and square. Keeping good notes on the brass and batch by ( what one considers differences ) Example : a bench shooter only has maybe some 50 pcs that are near and dear to him. Keep it uniform . Been using Lapua - Peterson- just picked up some Alpha ( looks good, have not yet played with it ) still a little tooo cold out there and besides we may be getting a nice northeaster .,may be time to play with it. For my tactical / range toys I'ii get 3-500 rounds and do my thing, hunting toys get 1-200 of each.. and yes keep them well marked and isolated with the note sheets. Remember this ALL SHELL HOLDERS ARE NOT THE SAME . Keep them in there own die box. with a dummy round. Its work but its uniform uniform uniform. Would like to get one of the electric annealing machines.. OH YAH !!!!!!
with new brass I weight each / then check neck thickness ( Neck turn my LR brass and clean it up to maybe 50-65 % ) / then flash hole deburring / case length before and after re-sizing brass, / use a piloted deburring too and then inside chamfering tool with a 15 degree angle. also do the primer pockets uniform depth and square. Keeping good notes on the brass and batch by ( what one considers differences ) Example : a bench shooter only has maybe some 50 pcs that are near and dear to him. Keep it uniform . Been using Lapua - Peterson- just picked up some Alpha ( looks good, have not yet played with it ) still a little tooo cold out there and besides we may be getting a nice northeaster .,may be time to play with it. For my tactical / range toys I'ii get 3-500 rounds and do my thing, hunting toys get 1-200 of each.. and yes keep them well marked and isolated with the note sheets. Remember this ALL SHELL HOLDERS ARE NOT THE SAME . Keep them in there own die box. with a dummy round. Its work but its uniform uniform uniform. Would like to get one of the electric annealing machines.. OH YAH !!!!!!

It sounds like you've got a lot of time on your hands. LOL Just kidding.

You're probably the closest member to where I live. Not too many "flatlanders" on the web. My club is an hour north of you on Rt 87.
Varmint hunter; yah have a camp up north in Roxbury just a few miles from Kelleys corners: bot the property years back from an old timer that had over 3000 acres in the family. It was sweet used my 50 BMG all the time till the $$$$ prices started to go off the roof, then went to the 338 Lapua now with the 6.5 cm for LR , am working on a 6MM XC II now..w/ 30 in tube berger 115 gr VLD & Tubb 115 Gr DTAC - just a toy !!!!!!
You North or South shore am in the sound all the time- Run between Block-Martha's- Mass-CT-Montauck out to the canyons and as far south as Shark River NJ.
For the CM and PRC just size debur and load. For the WM you have to try harder. The WM needs well prepared brass to shoot with the new stuff. I recommend:
Debur flash holes
Uniform primer pockets
FL size
expand necks on mandrel die
Skim turn necks
I/O debur necks
FL size again
expand necks again
Weight sort to two grains
Or just send me the WM and save yourself a ton of time. It will never be a CM anyway :)
Varmint hunter; yah have a camp up north in Roxbury just a few miles from Kelleys corners: bot the property years back from an old timer that had over 3000 acres in the family. It was sweet used my 50 BMG all the time till the $$$$ prices started to go off the roof, then went to the 338 Lapua now with the 6.5 cm for LR , am working on a 6MM XC II now..w/ 30 in tube berger 115 gr VLD & Tubb 115 Gr DTAC - just a toy !!!!!!
You North or South shore am in the sound all the time- Run between Block-Martha's- Mass-CT-Montauck out to the canyons and as far south as Shark River NJ.

I live on the south shore of Nassau County - Getting ready for 12"-15" of snow and blizzard conditions!!
I have a bet with one of the Redding Guys up-north about this coming storm and the both of us decided we were sending it out to Long Island- so we shall see what happens. Either way good luck Sir... If conditions nice I will make the run on the outside from VZ bridge past coney island, jones beach etc and out to the fingers & off-shore grounds.
I don't care what brass I treat it the same, and use 90% Lapua! Lube, fl resize, deburr flash hole so all are identical, then turn necks, some less than .001" if no turn chamber, others get .0025 clearance for seated dia., but it assures they are perfect no thick spots on any, I turn just enough to see I touched the full 360* of the neck. Then I deburr inside and out. I load shoot and will trim after they have been once fired,

Now I am assured I have perfect brass and every case is identical!
I don't care what brass I treat it the same, and use 90% Lapua! Lube, fl resize, deburr flash hole so all are identical, then turn necks, some less than .001" if no turn chamber, others get .0025 clearance for seated dia., but it assures they are perfect no thick spots on any, I turn just enough to see I touched the full 360* of the neck. Then I deburr inside and out. I load shoot and will trim after they have been once fired,

Now I am assured I have perfect brass and every case is identical!
I sincerely don't understand how anyone can get the best accuracy if their brass is not uniform. There are going to be errors and eccentricities in anything that is mass produced including the best brass that is made today.
I had one batch of Lapua that would NOT take primers to depth and I ended up uniforming all the pockets on every piece of brand new Lapua. After that.. the new gets treated like the old. Take nothing for granite.
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