very nice rifle. It sounds like you've built your fair share of these wildcat AR's, so if you don't mind a sidetrack, I'd like to ask you some questions about 2 of the other cartridges you mentioned.
Right now I'm looking for a barrel to build a 6x45, but every place I've looked is out of stock, and I've seen comments that the cartridge is dying. Is that an accurate assessment? If not, do you have any suggestions for a good (available) barrel?
Next, since I came up empty on the 6x45, I briefly considered the 6.5 grendel, but everything I've seen out there is the II chamber with the longer .120 throat - and the comments I've read on line suggest that accuracy has suffered as a result of the redesign, unless the bullet is loaded out farther (matching the correct bolt to chamber is not a problem, I'm only concerned with the accuracy potential). Of course, many comments are hearsay and bluster, so I'd prefer to ask someone who has actual knowledge of the cartridge. Ultimately, I'd much rather have a rifle that shoots well while utilizing the magazine, rather than ending up with a single shot semi that needs a long COAL to shoot well. Going only by comments off the internet, it sounds similar to the 6.8 spec 2 redesign which may have been fine for safely and reliability, but I never saw a spec 2 which shot as accurately as the originals.