Until tonight I still hadn't shot either one of the Rem 783's since I've got the new barrels. Life is busy!
I found out that my wife was going to be gone with the kids for a few hours tonight. So as quickly as I could I finished up the necessities needed for the Rem 783 with the 6.5-284 barrel to shoot. I threw the pic rail on and my 16x SWFA scope real quick. Then I picked a random load and loaded up 10 rounds. Off to the range!
First time I've ever installed a barrel and first time ever loading for a 6.5-284; this is 4 shots through the same hole at 100 yards! To give perspective, that target is only 3 inches across.
Shots 1-6 I shot, then cleaned, shot then cleaned, shot then cleaned.
Shots 7, 8, 9, and 10 are the picture above. Shot sitting at a bench off sand bags.
Maybe I just got lucky and picked a fantastic load. But if this is any indication of how accurate this rifle is going to be, I have to say I'm pretty ecstatic about this new Criterion barrel!
I was so excited I texted that picture to a few buddies who shoot, but don't reload. All 3 of them said "Yeah but you didn't even hit the bulls-eye". I need to remember to not share pictures of my targets with guys who aren't into reloading. I told them all, hitting the bulls-eye is an easy scope adjustment. Putting 4 shots through the same hold is hard! None of them seemed impressed. So since you guys on this forum know what the heck is going on, maybe I can get some kudos from you all!