J.D.Jones how are you


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2005
I live in the west ,all of my family and friends live in the west so I am distanced from what is going on in New Orleans and the gulf coast area. J.D.Jones is the only person that I know from this area (I have sold him powder and chatted with him on this forum several times) if you need some help let me or LRH know, I am sure that we can do something to help besides BS about guns.
Hope you and your family are OK
Well I hope that he and his family are all doig well. I can say that what the central gulf coast is experiencing is heart breaking.The link below sheds some interesting light on a lot of it. Our prayers go out to all of the folks in Katrina's wake.
Photo's of affected areas.

I do not know how one could watch any national news and not know what some have gone through. not trying to stir up anything, just we are covered up with coverage here in the Houston area.

They are having the fundraising telethon tonight, please help out if you can. I know they canuse every bit they can get.
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