How old are you? How old do you FEEL?

I'll be 83 in October, still working as a mfg. rep in the fishing industry. No replacement parts yet.

Can't wait for Deer season.

You are blessed with good genes, my friend. I am only 72 yo young man, but with both knees replaced, both lenses replaced, one shoulder replaced, the other in the queue next year. On top of it all, without the most powerful hearing aids, I could not discern any conversation unless the wife yells at me... she enjoys it obviously as she yells a lot even when I have my hearing aids
I am only 66 years old. I still rebuild transmissions and remove and replace them daily. I have had over 30 fractures, one finger amputation, a wrist put back together after a shotgun blast at point blank and a lot of other injuries. Most days my mind thinks I am 30, but my body thinks I'm an idiot. My biggest fear with age is retiring. If I stop, rigor mortis could set in.
No more back pack hunts after back surgery, but still cant wait for deer, elk and pronghorn season every year. I hope to see at least 20 more seasons.
Lot of us older folks here carrying (living) with life's souvenirs….but we're still going…maybe not as much.

Souvenirs. Never thought it at such. It sounds better than most names that I have heard. I hope my kids feel young as they age also. My oldest son is a disabled veteran, my youngest daughter was released from the Army after breaking both hips in Basic Training. Their attitudes are good about the future. I hope they remain good when they become old farts.
Feeling a lot older this morning than yesterday! While working on our washing machine, I was in an odd position while getting physical with it. Something "popped" in my elbow, loud enough for my wife to hear! I just about needed a "Depends" at that moment! 😜

This morning it feels like a severe case of tendentious! It will make life rather unpleasant for a while. 🤬🤬🤬 memtb
Feeling a lot older this morning than yesterday! While working on our washing machine, I was in an odd position while getting physical with it. Something "popped" in my elbow, loud enough for my wife to hear! I just about needed a "Depends" at that moment! 😜

This morning it feels like a severe case of tendentious! It will make life rather unpleasant for a while. 🤬🤬🤬 memtb
I hear that doing arm curls with 12 ounce weight reducing weights help. I prefer Moose Drool, some prefer Budweiser.
I don't feel that old after reading some of the posts. I'll be 65 in a couple of months. I'm 6' and weigh 165 or so. I wear the same size clothes that I did in 9th grade. I've broken just about every bone in my body over the years. Living in the fast lane and with no fear takes its toll on the body. I feel like I'm 90 when I first get out of bed in the mornings, but I feel much better after going on a walk with my dog every morning. I firmly believe a body in motion is the key to reducing deterioration.
I will be 54 in 2 months . 6'5" 233# down from 245 two weeks ago . Been a carpenter for 35 years . We call it Friday tired on Wednesday . Fridays the Busch Light makes everything a little better . Thank the heavens for the extra day of rest this weekend . All I can say is after 45 things go fast . Like said above if I thought I would make it this long I would have treated the body a little better .

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