"Its Time"

Okay…. I must have fallen asleep during the video. Did he ever make a point? Am I one of those skeptics? Well maybe. In todays world of technology in our pockets or hands it just seems if they exist, we would have evidence. There is no way that any body or institution could keep it out the public eye. No disrespect intended for those that believe.
Okay…. I must have fallen asleep during the video. Did he ever make a point? Am I one of those skeptics? Well maybe. In todays world of technology in our pockets or hands it just seems if they exist, we would have evidence. There is no way that any body or institution could keep it out the public eye. No disrespect intended for those that believe.
Things exist that no one has ever even seen. Things that are seen, often take a long time to "document." Though that doesn't discount the fact that there is much that has never been seen by the eyes of man, and countless things that have been seen that have not been properly documented in such a fashion to provide irrefutable proof. We know some weird creatures live in the depths of the oceans, and prior to very recently with high tech submersibles... people that have seen them and told of them were called idiots. Now, they are vindicated.

Despite the existence of irrefutable proof, some still do not believe. Some do not believe the earth is round, despite irrefutable proof it is. Some deny that the Holocaust happened, yet proof abounds that it did.

In the era of cancel culture and censorship by big tech... you should realize it is not as difficult to keep information from spreading as you think when only one or a few people have the information.

I could make the claim that you don't exist... and put the burden on you to prove your existence is more than a fictional character created anonymously on the internet. No doubt I would be able to get at least a few people to believe you don't exist. What you believe, is for you alone. We will all answer for our beliefs, and if those beliefs stray too far from truth, there will be consequences. Consequences now and later. Allowing for possibilities that we can't, aren't able, or refuse to understand to exist in our mind is the cornerstone of being open minded and humble.

Basically, it goes like this; If you say sasquatch doesn't exist, and then someone proves it exists... you'll be labelled an idiot and rightly so. You'll then choose to double down and refuse to accept any proof, or change your attitude. Those that refuse to accept the possibility of existence are far more likely to go the first route and just double down on their stupidity.

So, I'll choose to be kind to people that claim sasquatch are real. If they are right, they deserve my kindness. If they are wrong, being kind never hurt anyone and I'll happily error on its side. I'll happily consume any proof that might come to light and allow it to sway my opinion based on the strength of that proof. In the mean time I'll allow the possibility for the existence to keep my mind sharp so I'm able to come to the truth quickly when it's revealed.

What a fun discussion that leads to some very specific sociological and psychological realities people must consider when facing the unknown. How people approach the unknown tells a tremendous amount about their character.
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Agree with your points on not closing my mind. I try to listen and accept my limitations in knowledge of things outside of my own experience. However, I am more data driven in my approach to reaching conclusions. I do believe in God without the need to have seen his image with my on two eyes. Sasquatch is purported to be a physical creature living on this earth. Evidence would trump opinion in this case. I would have no problem changing my opinion if someone could show me the evidence.
Evidence would trump opinion in this case. I would have no problem changing my opinion if someone could show me the evidence.
A slippery slope for certain.

What is evidence? Who decides? I recall a guy whos ex-wife ran down to the police station and told a story of abuse. If you ask the police, her testimony was "evidence." He lost his job. Lost his house paying for lawyers. Lost the ability to see his kids. Barely avoided jail, and had to pay a huge fine. Some time later, one of the womans friends caught her bragging about how she made the whole thing up on an audio recording.

On the other hand we've got hundreds if not thousands of people saying in no uncertain terms that they saw sasquatch. If even one of them isn't lying... there's something worth looking into. The law of greater numbers suggests there's at least one that is being truthful. Consider this picture I took:


Have you ever seen a bull snake being carried by a hawk? I could have CGI'd the snake in there.

What about this. Have you ever seen this many pronghorn bucks in one picture? All bucks... every single one of them. Is it real?

Evidence can be fabricated, whether for or against. Animation studios now have the capability to trick more than 99% of the population that certain things are real... when in fact they were 100% CGI.

We are past the point of seeing is believing. Long past, actually.

My favorite part of this thought exercise is when people are being completely honest, you realize the number of things that we can be totally sure about shrinks to almost nothing, if the exercise goes on long enough. Obviously the exercise needs to stop at some point in your mind, so you can get normal action happening and experience beneficial results.
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Ghost story....absolutely true....
Long day of hunting up north idaho...got back to the "chicken coop"(bunkhouse)...
Ate a little food and crawled into the slping bag.....layer there quite a while without any sleep...back got sore..so i wrestled around and was facing up...decided to look past my feet...and on the wall within 12" if my feet was a seriously dark blue shadow of a head and shoulders...room was not dark..same lite on all the time...I didn't move..but I blinked...right then that figure went from directly past my feet inside the sleeping bag..to the left behind a black plastic trash bag being used as a curtain..
Absolutely was a ghostly figure..no doubt...
what so ever.......in the morning I checked for possible shadows on the wall beyond my feet.....aboslutely no change from the sage green color unless i put my hand right next to the wall.......
When I saw that shadow.....I just said to myself.."if you're gonna take me..do right now".....never bothered me or saw it again......
That was with 3 other people there...the next year by myself....nothing.....
Ghost story....absolutely true....
Long day of hunting up north idaho...got back to the "chicken coop"(bunkhouse)...
Ate a little food and crawled into the slping bag.....layer there quite a while without any sleep...back got sore..so i wrestled around and was facing up...decided to look past my feet...and on the wall within 12" if my feet was a seriously dark blue shadow of a head and shoulders...room was not dark..same lite on all the time...I didn't move..but I blinked...right then that figure went from directly past my feet inside the sleeping bag..to the left behind a black plastic trash bag being used as a curtain..
Absolutely was a ghostly figure..no doubt...
what so ever.......in the morning I checked for possible shadows on the wall beyond my feet.....aboslutely no change from the sage green color unless i put my hand right next to the wall.......
When I saw that shadow.....I just said to myself.."if you're gonna take me..do right now".....never bothered me or saw it again......
That was with 3 other people there...the next year by myself....nothing.....
That is pretty creepy, I would have probably emptied a magazine had I seen something similar.
I'll jump in here, and probably regret it. I grew up in a house that was said to be haunted. Doors slammed at night when everyone was in bed, footsteps were often heard. The house had three floors and a cellar. There was often some kind of activity or noise , rarely when anyone was in that room. We blamed it on old plumbing, drafts or the house settling. Nobody ever got hurt, or physically touched. A few years after we moved out the house was set on fire because it was haunted. It can be studied, or monitors set up to do whatever they do. Do I believe in spirits? Maybe.
I'll jump in here, and probably regret it. I grew up in a house that was said to be haunted. Doors slammed at night when everyone was in bed, footsteps were often heard. The house had three floors and a cellar. There was often some kind of activity or noise , rarely when anyone was in that room. We blamed it on old plumbing, drafts or the house settling. Nobody ever got hurt, or physically touched. A few years after we moved out the house was set on fire because it was haunted. It can be studied, or monitors set up to do whatever they do. Do I believe in spirits? Maybe.
Somebody set it on fire because it was haunted???

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