Is Sightron SIII 6-24x50 Too Much Scope for .223 Rem Savage M25


New Member
Jul 17, 2014
I, I need to scope my Savage Model 25 chambered in .223 Remington. Will be dedicated varmint , predator, paper rifle. I'm looking at a good deal on a Sightron SIII 6-24x50 (SFP I think). Non-illuminated. Reticle is MOA with hash marks on vertical and horizontal axes.

Anticipated shots on coyotes, other predators, varmints from 50 yards to ..... As far out as I an particular conditions allow.

I think it would be great.
I have the sii bigsky 6.5-20x 50 on a .223
and the siii moa 6-24x50 on a 7 mag.
id like the siii on the .223 as well.
my .223 I shoot long range varmints, targets and even stalk in the bush with it.
Would make a fine setup I think! They don't happen to have two for sale do they? Lol. I've been looking for a good used SIII 6-24/50 with moa-2 reticule for a couple months and yet to find one. Shoot me a PM if you don't buy it or if you happen to run across another one please. Thanks.
I've had Sightron SIII 6-24 on my 223.

Not too much scope. IMHO perfect.
I have a Sightron SIII 3.5-10 that's been on my 22 that I'm thinking about moving to my 223. A 6-24 will be very nice depending on the yardages you're planning on shooting.
I have this scope on my 30-378 it has the exposed Turrets... For the price I believe these are a great buy.... and they overall are fairly light weight...I think it would be a very good choice for a 223... JMO Dave
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