IMR Enduron Powders

Have had excellent results with 8133 in 300 Win with 200 grain bullets, both NAB and A-frame. Also have a great load with 7977 and 180 Sciroccos
Happy with every Enduron powder I've tried. I shoot in temps ranging from 0-100F. So, I wanted the temp stability. I've shot 4166, 4451, 4955, and 7977.

I had bizarre intermittent pressure with 4955 in 270 but I think most can be attributed to brass. Still, enough to cause concern. I no longer use it.

No issues with 7977 and good accuracy.

4166 was good in a 308 but not as good as H4350 for me.

Although 8208 XBR is not officially an Enduron, it supposedly has excellent temp stability and it performs beautifully.

Hey that's interesting about 4955. I had a some similar concerns in my previous
.300 win mag. Not erratic pressure so much as it went from showing basically no pressure signs at all to straight up blowing a primer out the back and seizing the bolt when I did cross the line I didn't know I was that close to. This was with bullets jammed into the lands so that changes things too. But still...from zero to waaay over 60 in no time at all.
Hey that's interesting about 4955. I had a some similar concerns in my previous
.300 win mag. Not erratic pressure so much as it went from showing basically no pressure signs at all to straight up blowing a primer out the back and seizing the bolt when I did cross the line I didn't know I was that close to. This was with bullets jammed into the lands so that changes things too. But still...from zero to waaay over 60 in no time at all.

Identical experience. I had worked up a 270 load well below book max. Liked how it shot. Loaded 30. On probably shot 10-11, stiff bolt lift. On shot 13-14, blown primer. Both on once fired Federal brass. Enough to scare me away. Still got the remaining loads on the bench waiting for disassembly.
Identical experience. I had worked up a 270 load well below book max. Liked how it shot. Loaded 30. On probably shot 10-11, stiff bolt lift. On shot 13-14, blown primer. Both on once fired Federal brass. Enough to scare me away. Still got the remaining loads on the bench waiting for disassembly.
Ha! I haven't pulled the offending .300 loads either. 208 elds in ppu once fired for me.
Identical experience. I had worked up a 270 load well below book max. Liked how it shot. Loaded 30. On probably shot 10-11, stiff bolt lift. On shot 13-14, blown primer. Both on once fired Federal brass. Enough to scare me away. Still got the remaining loads on the bench waiting for disassembly.
Just to be clear, all 30 you loaded were with federal brass? Or was it mixed headstamp? If mixed the powder had nothing to do with it. I've found federal to have significantly less capacity than the others, and perhaps most glaringly in the .270 win, don't know why. It's also softer.
Just to be clear, all 30 you loaded were with federal brass? Or was it mixed headstamp? If mixed the powder had nothing to do with it. I've found federal to have significantly less capacity than the others, and perhaps most glaringly in the .270 win, don't know why. It's also softer.

It turns out I loaded 40. All nickel plated Federal once fired. Figured it was premium brass.

Loaded w a 150 gr Speer SP at book COAL, significantly off lands of a Browning AB3. Load was 53 gr of IMR 4955. All primers were flattened but every primer ever shot from that rifle had flat primers. So I didn't think anything of it. Temps were 80s. My work up day I went up to 55 gr in 60F but 52.5-53gr shot best out of the rifle. So I loaded 40.


  • 6147E586-A907-4766-8124-7649FA8CF602.jpeg
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Double post. Troubles uploading images.

The image above shows the blown primer.

I stopped using 4955. Wasn't sure if it was a brass problem or if the powder was finicky.

(I've since had problems with Federal brass: shot 49 rounds of hot but safely worked up 6.5 CM and #50 blew a primer. #50 was the only one of the lot that was Federal instead of Hornady headstamp...never bought Fed 6.5cm so not sure how it got in the mix)
WOW!!! Great feedback guys... I really appreciate it.

Not too many have mentioned lessened copper fouling. Has anyone seen much of a measurable decrease in copper fouling?

I'm quite happy with my Hodgdon Xtreme powers I use now but a couple of my factory barrels foul more than I'd like and that would be my main reason to try Enduron powders.
How about we revisit this thread again.... It's been over 5 months and at this time there is supposedly a shortage of all Hodgdon's powers made by ADI. Anyone have any new results to share?

By the way... Where are Enduron powders made?
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