I'm in the Edge Aussie club

Hi Guys..

Another Edge is on its way.
I have left my Model 700 300 Ultra action at the gunsmith.
Specs so far .. (hopefully finished in 3 to 5 months)

388 Edge Standard with .370 neck

Remington 700 300 Rum action
Lawton 28 inch .338 match barrel stainless Sendero Profile Cut rifling
True action- full accuracy job cutting new threads etc.
V port Brake fron Nate on this forum (next size up from vaporiser)
Wyatts extended Mag Box
Seekins 20 Moa scope rail 8x40 screws retap receiver
Tactical bolt knob upgrade to existing bolt
gun kote baked finish.
B&C 700 BDL Varmint Vertical grip black with black stipple. 14.5 inches of pull option (#2096)
Remington spring and sear kit to update old style trigger to 1lb
Night Force 5. to 22 x50 in N/F rings
DE ACI combo (replaces rear N/F top ring)
Chamber and cut to suit 300gn Berger/ 300 smk.
Heavy duty recoil lug

Upgrades for later (wish list)

Manners stock and Jewell trigger.

I cant wait to get it... Then the Accumark will go in for an upgrade!

Nice to see you have it coming together Herb !

We might have to get together for match shoot during the year ?

Thanks DUH.

Love to do that once I get it up and running and hopefully the batch of ordered barrels are at the exporters now. All the work is done , stock is sitting here and it may only be 4 to 6 weeks away. TT has his wicked 30/378 up to the task and is working on the 338/378 with a new V port vapouriser. Testing that Vport on the big girl tomorrow!

Ping us a picture of your last big one as news travels fast in the LRH arena.gun)
Hi all my name is Aaron from i am from tassie i will be part of the edge club as of this week i am going to pick up herbs 338 edge signature542
hope to have a lot of fun with this rifle
What do you edge shooters shoot at most of the time? I,m keen to build up a 338 Edge as well for some long range plinking, (just at rocks and so on, nothing exotic). It sounds like there are a few long range shooters from NSW here, do you have to far from home to get a shot away?

MMM rock plinking.. thats good practice but I'm not sure you need an Edge for that.
Dont get me wrong its a brilliant cartridge but a well built 7mm will do that with some of the new high BC bullets.

I'm just throwing options out there as I'm not sure how much experience you have. Going up to the 338 Ultras is another level and you will need deeper pockets. But hey if it rocks your boat do it.. A good brake will calm it and its a must.

Do you have a magnum bolt face Rem 700 action to use as a donor? Or are you going a full custom action.. It never ends and barrel quality and spec is something also critical to fine acuracy. Of course add another 2G for some decent optics to start you out.

I must ring Aron to see how he is going with my old Edge I hear he has had joy with it already. Now he knows what I mean about a quality build. Prove is way out there!

We hunt sambar and other deer with them but generally we set up in wide pen places and just shoot to test our skill. Some range work..which will lead you sometime later to F class..
It never ends!

I;m still waiting on a new action for my next LR build... 7mm Dakota no expense spared But geez I miss the Edge...something about a 300gn pill!
Signiture, I did a bit of F class last year with a 284 and it is usualy my 284 F class rifle I have used for long range plinking, Ive used the same gun for target competition out to 1500yds where it went OK, still gaining experience though. My work roster means I cant do as much target shooting as I would like, so playing in the bush is my other option.

I dont have a donor action yet, but want to build a 257 hunting rifle, most likely by rebarreling a 2nd hand hunting rifle. The 338 switch barrel would be the fun plinking one, just for **** and giggles, just coz I can. I agree, using one of my 7mm ex target barrels would be cheaper, but I dont have a big caliber toy in the closet anymore.
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Sound like you have abit of experience reading the wind so the Edge will be right up your ally..However the Lapua is also a great round and you will have to decide what action you will use..

If going a new custom action I would consider a lapua built lawton 8500 stiller TAC magnum series.. Possibly better brass and you can just buy dies over the shelf..

If you have a 700 magnum bolt face configure the edge is the answer..300 Ultra cases can be fickle to find and source at time..dies arenta problem from S Carlock..

PM me if you want to know who has a good reamer as there can be slight variances of the edge dimensions..

who did your .284 work?
I was thinking of the edge as opposed to the Lap mag as I can use commonly available actions, without having to go to a custom job. It will be able to use it as a switch barrel along with a 257Wby.
When I get a donor action, I will get onto you about reamers as I dont have one of my own.
I was thinking of the edge as opposed to the Lap mag as I can use commonly available actions, without having to go to a custom job. It will be able to use it as a switch barrel along with a 257Wby.
When I get a donor action, I will get onto you about reamers as I dont have one of my own.

Sent you a PM

After talking to a workmate about it last night, I have decided the best way for me to build a long range fun gun is to screw an Edge barrel onto my Barnard F class gun. I have a WSSM bolt gathering dust, so all I need is a mid weight 338 barrel and my rifle will make 1000yd BR light gun weight and not be as heavy as it is in F class spec (9kg).
Anyone selling any used dies, barrel, cases???
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