I'm in the Edge Aussie club

Yeh Matty,
Thought it was mission impossible for a while there but all is good now.

I ripped out the bedding from under the barrel and this got rid of the hot barrel fliers.
I then dropped the action hold down screw torque settings from 65 in/lb down to 47 in/lb and it now shoots into the one ragged hole at 100 yards with 92 grains of AR2217 and Remington brass.

Now that I have a workable load for the rifle, I am looking for some Norma .300RUM brass so that I can work out a second load for the rifle up near the 98 grain mark.

If you see any Norma brass about, please let me know.

Also lets see some pictures of your new cannon asap............
JAWZ, I like the way the brake contrast the barrel! I'm not that big a fan of sythetic stocks but every once in a while I see one that catches my eye...your's did...can you give me a desciption on the colors and % and is it a marble effect or what do you call it? Very attractive rig.
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Norm I will post pics as soon as I get my hands on it. Talked to some guys on AHN today and they said it could take up to a month for customs to clear it in NSW which would suck. As for the norma brass if I sea any I will get your number off Andrew or Simon and give you a call.

Chas1 Jaws stock is a standard weatherby MK5 Accumark stock. I think they're made by bell and carlson.
Norm I will post pics as soon as I get my hands on it. Talked to some guys on AHN today and they said it could take up to a month for customs to clear it in NSW which would suck. As for the norma brass if I sea any I will get your number off Andrew or Simon and give you a call.

That sucks about having to wait a month, hang in there mate, the wait will be worth it!
I cocked up on the brass. It is Nosler brass not Norma. I got hold of some off the "Shooters" warehouse web site. Should take a bit higher pressure, time will tell...............:D
JAWZ...got it "standard HS black with grey spider webbing" Thanks, again as mentioned earlier I'm not really a fan of synthetics stocks but yours I really like:D...I may just have to by one for some kinda future build.
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Mark V action
S/S 28 inch lilja barrel
DE 4 port break
NF 20 MOA rail and UL NF rings
NF 5.5-22 x56 NPr2
HS Stock fully bedded
Action trued with a .370 neck

Now if this wind will just leave i can shoot it.

What contour did you choose? Also, how much does it weight?
I finally got my new toy after only 18 months of waiting and sorting out paperwork.




Defensive Edge Lightweight Long Range Rifle in 338 Edge
Mod 700 action that has been trued
30 in Hart Barrel in sendero taper
DE muzzel brake
Old style sendero stock
DE cheek piece
Wyatt extended box mag
Nightforce NXS 5.5 - 22 x 56
Nightforce Direct Mount
DE Angle Cosign and anti cant top ring
I know it was a long time that you had to wait. I am real happy for you.

You are sure you will get years of enjoyment out of it. Load her up and see what she can do.

Looks like we may have to have an "EDGE" get together some time this year for all us Aussie Edge shooters. ....................gun)
Thanks Norm I am very relieved to finally have it. A 338 edge get together is definitely on the cards. Be nice to tie in some Sambar hunting with it down in Vic or else there is Jaws fallow option on our side of the border.
By the way when do you start hunting Sambar again?

We loaded up 50 rounds for the edge yesterday with starting loads at 90 grains of 2217 going up to 92 behind the 300 SMK. We are going to silverdale on Tuesday to run it in and see how it goes. Will let you know the results.
Thanks Norm I am very relieved to finally have it. A 338 edge get together is definitely on the cards. Be nice to tie in some Sambar hunting with it down in Vic or else there is Jaws fallow option on our side of the border.
By the way when do you start hunting Sambar again?

We loaded up 50 rounds for the edge yesterday with starting loads at 90 grains of 2217 going up to 92 behind the 300 SMK. We are going to silverdale on Tuesday to run it in and see how it goes. Will let you know the results.

I am sure you will not have any trouble with that rifle, unlike the *** that mine was when I first got it.

If it shoots well with those loads, without undue pressure signs, then all should be good. Don't waste too much ammo at 100 yards. Stretch her out a bit and see what she can do.
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