I'm in the Edge Aussie club

Hey Andrew,
I am real happy for you mate. That rifle is sure to give you years of fun and enjoyment.
Those two groups. 91grains and 92grains. They seem to shoot to different points of impact. Were they shot under different conditions? If not you may have to pay close attention to your powder charge wieght when you are reloading.
What's the pressure like with these two loads?
Yeh good Andrew thanks, where did you take the beast for its first day out?, and what about pressure signs with the 92gn load any? Mine shoots its best with that charge behind the 300 smk but ive found thats its absolute limit before the bolt gets very sticky and primers flatten badly with any increase. Also good to see someone build an edge on a mk5 thats something a bit different as well. Maybe we can meet at silverdale one day .
Norm i made the correction after fireing that 91 grn group thus the change in point of impact for the 92grns.

Mick i was fine even at 93 grn but was getting and extracter mark on the case so i will probably just stay at 92 neither load showed any sign of sticky bolt lift or flattened primers.

Mate yeh that sounds good i have to go out to chrony the loads now anyway.
Might see you next ADA meeting.
Norm i made the correction after fireing that 91 grn group thus the change in point of impact for the 92grns.


If that's the case Andrew, you are right to go.
Just load up a heap and get out there and shoot some stuff.:D
Oooh me too... Im in the club...
specs are;

30in bbl and muzzle brake by MAB in brisbane, throated deep for the 300SMK.
Hs precision stock
Accurised rem 700 action
Wyatt extended centerfeed box mag with follower.
Falcon 4-14FFP scope in EGW base and rings with sinclair scope level.

been running the standard 93gr load of ADI 2217 (h1000) for around 2880fps with the 300SMK seated to COAL 3.900in

Longest kill so far, only 300m... 500kg feral camel, bang flop...
Nice rig, Mine is very similar to yours except that brake is awesome looking. How's it go?

Here is mine.

Top shot, yep the brake works very well, i was explicit in what i asked for when i gave instructions to MAB in which they were quite accommodating. They say they can do anything you want...

Only thing is the recoil pad on this HS precision stock is quite hard... might have to change it for a softer one...

Accuracy is great so far, havnt shot it past 300m yet, but groupings at 100m are very tight...1 hole clover leaf if i dont mess things up... ive ran upto 94gr of 2217 getting up round 2950fps but i was getting ejectors marks on some cases so ive settled at 93grns seated 10thou off the lands...

MAB did all the metal work, i simply hollowed out the stock and a little grinding to accept the heavy bbl and extended box mag.

AND, If anyone knows where is can get a 54in gun case to fit this thing inside, please let me know as i cant find anything long enough!!! :)
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Mine just fits into my gun case.
Its that muzzle brake!!!! just cut two inches off the end of it and you will be right to go! LoL:D

I can't get very good accuracy out of my rifle up near 2950 fps and have backed off to about 2850 fps. But if you can get good accuracy at that speed then good luck to you.

The H-S kick pad on mine is the same but I find it quite OK. Mine seems to be getting dug into the dirt a lot now days so I like a tough pad.

Maybe get a limbsaver pad?
G'day guys Home is about the cheapest for pelican cases you shouldn't have a problem fitting your rig in one of those,bit on the pricey side though.which range are you sydney guys using to sight in and practise,i dont have an edge but just picked up my custom 338 lapua and can't go to silverdale anymore,are the lapua's banned from malabar also?
Mate I still go to silverdale because I'm shooting the edge and they haven't band it yet. Also my gun is only a 300 RUM well atleast that's what the head stamp says.
I would look at a cabelas black powder hard rifle case. I think its about 55-60 " Or get a Tac Force Stryker 62" drag bag and off you go. I use a dbag as the monster hard case is tough to get in trucks !

I would avoid taking the brake on and off as it'll only give you grief coming loose. Next minute you turn around and its gone..

Well after a long long long long wait my DE 338 edge is finally in Aus. Will be ringing customs tomorrow to hopefully get an idea of how long it will take before they release it. Fingers crossed there are no issues and everything goes smoothly. I was thinking about all the other crap that I have bought to go with this gun. I would hate to add it all up but I think I know where all my money has disappeared to.

NXS 5.5-22x56
ACI and anti cant top ring
Diect mount
S series bipod
3500 kestral
Leica rangefinder
Swaro 15x56 binos
tripod adaptor
Eberlestock operator pack
300gn 338 SMK projectiles
300RUM brass
CCI primers
ADI 2217 powder
Thankfully me and Jaws have been going halves with the extra reloading gear needed.
Gees this longrange hunting is expensive.

Hey Norm it sounds like you have finally got your gun to shoot after your mods. Nice work mate you must be so relieved. It must have been a mission.

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