Idaho Bannock Zone


New Member
May 6, 2020
I drew a late muzzy tag for the Bannock zone units 70-74. Anyone have experience in this country late November? I've elk hunted Idaho several times in the Beaverhead zone but it's always been in September. Any helpful info would be much appreciated.
November is rough time for these elk in those units.
They have been pressured since august when all the “scouting” ramps up hard for archery season.
Then the rifle season starts. It is a draw for bulls with an early hunt in early October then the second hunt starts the 15th and goes to the 24th.
Throw in all the deer hunters in the same area and those elk are running for the deepest timber or private property.
You also will have the hunters who have the A tag hunting cows in mid November with rifles.
Your best best will be to do your research and try and get permission from property owners or pay a trespassing fee to access the property.
Weather can be unpredictable then. Ranging from 75 degrees and dry to -20 and 2 feet of snow on the ground.
A lot of road systems in those units. Access is very easy and adds to the pressure issues. A lot of the locals are in the play for this hunt as they know the odds for the rifle hunt and went to the muzzy hunt because it was 100% draw. They slammed some good bulls last season but they watch these bulls 365 days morning till dark. I live around these units and hear and see the action each year.
Good luck and start researching your areas.
Start with private property and land that borders it. Then look for the deepest, darkest areas furthest from the roads.
Be prepared to hunt hard and run ins with other people

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