Help with PA elk - zone 3

Yes and quite a bit especially in Elk and Cameron counties. Also in Clinton, Centre and Clearfield counties.
There are several viewing areas where you can see them in the St. Marys and Bennezette area. Check it out. During the season when I was permitted to hunt I only hunted 1/2 day (including during a miserable snow squall) and saw a lot of elk. After I shot mine we stopped counting after 30 as the herd meandered across the hillside above us.

And Yobuck during that morning's hunt we saw about a dozen deer including 2 buck. One respectable and one bruiser. We also saw a flock of turkey. In fact we saw turkey every time we went up there scouting.
And driving to my zone on Rt 555 West of Driftwood we saw lots of both elk and deer along the highway.
As for hunting near cabins and/or houses I could have shot one out of a herd in a safety zone at 9:00 in the morning. But as tempting as it was I won't break a game law. Especially with me being a Hunter Trapper Education Instructor.
Well dont be telling anybody about seeing that stuff ok?
We already have enough people there already what with all those people coming there to see elk. lol
Fact is you know what ive said is spot on as for the elk hunting.
After 40 yrs elk hunting often 2 states a year.... 11? states in all

Find the most obscure roadless area

Walk to the end of the nearest road to that point

Be in the MIDDLE of the obscure area 1 hour before sunlight.....

Look in every small drainage in the trees

Elk will be there....

Usually the biggest bulls or oldest cows....
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