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I will not be getting 'the vaccine'...

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Get it or not it's your choice But they should ban you from any public event!
Just like kids in Kentucky show a shot record or stay out of public school
Home school is the nonvaxers option!
Think about that statement below, from the link I posted earlier... ,,,,, do you see the division that is occurring ? Now Covid-19 vaccinated people will have rights they are "entitled" to and the rest of humanity is not...... and the commie sheep are already acting like they are superior beings .....

Epic statement shows proof that the entire "Pandemic" was orchestrated for this purpose .... to infect everyone on the planet with their toxiccine

Ordo ob Chao


"The document will be the so-called passport of the vaccinated person, which will confirm that the person has been vaccinated and can use the rights to which vaccinated people are entitled,"
Get it or not it's your choice But they should ban you from any public event!
Just like kids in Kentucky show a shot record or stay out of public school
Home school is the nonvaxers option!
Or not... Maybe if you get to rule the country your preference could be forced on every child and adult. Your choice rather than self choice. I hear you loud and clear. I prefer to make these decisions on my own, no matter your input. For the time being, your preference is nothing more than that.

I can't speak for the rest of the States. Kids attend school in Alaska without proof of vaccination. All it takes is a religious exemption on file with our local school district. A simple expression of a personal preference. Then no vaccination requirement. Good to go. If you don't want your children potentially exposed to children at school without vaccinations, you can home school them. Or spend your life and money attempting to force your preference on everyone else.
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There are vaccination requirements for attending elementary school in NY. My daughter does not favor injecting her two sons (1.5 & 3 yo) with vaccines. However, she has resigned herself to the fact that she will need to comply before they enter the public school system. I live in a dense suburban community. We have 800,000 residents in our town. I don't know a single family that home schools. That may be in large part because if you want to own a home here you need two incomes, or, maybe its just the culture here. Vaccines really aren't an option for school age children here. Hopefully, the Rona will be gone before anyone even thinks of requiring a CV vaccination for our kids.
If you and your kids are vaccinated then that must mean you are fully protected from diseases , right ?

Same with covid, your personal choice, nobody objects when you get the shots, go celebrate on your newfound glorious immunity to it and leave other people alone with their personal choices

Wait, what ? Vaccines don't really protect you from diseases ? The Covid toxcine won't either ? So wth are y'all taking them for ?

Indoctrination = permanent brain damage
Here is an interesting video - doctors from around the world conveying facts many of us have never heard before. I work in healthcare, and yes the last year has been crazy, but not for the reasons one might think. I have been encouraging, and participating in critical discussion with coworkers, and most of us have the feeling that only one side of the story is being featured in the media right now.

I have been learning a lot about Virology, and believe everyone has the right to INFORMED CONSENT. I'm not saying the vaccine is 'bad'. I believe there are some people for whom it will be a sensible choice, but at this time the data is lacking. I encourage everyone to review the vaccine trials, for me personally it raised more questions than answers.
I watched about half the video. Most of the speakers make a valid point: the vaccine did not go through the normal protocols, so everyone who receives it is a "guinea pig" of sorts.

I guess I would have to agree with that.

But the second contention -- that this was not a pandemic -- remains largely unsubstantiated. In terms of speed of transmission and range of spread, I think it qualifies as a pandemic. And for anyone who believes it is not dangerous, I would say the jury is still out on that question. My nephew, in his 50's, would disagree strongly. He tested positive for Covid-19 and claims he was at death's door for nearly two weeks.

I think mortality figures have been inaccurately reported in the US. The main source of the inaccuracy is including normal seasonal flu infections and deaths in the Covid-19 numbers. I have been unable to find reliable and reputable reporting that disaggregates seasonal flu and Covid-19.

Curiously enough, in a country where the two main political parties are at each others' throats to make the case that the other party is heartless and incompetent, both seemed to go along with this inaccurate reporting. That is a rare bit of cooperation and agreement, and I (as a political analyst and reporter) cannot explain it.

I have taken both doses of the Moderna vaccine. I will tell you the second shot knocked me back on my heels. So if it is a secret plot to turn us all into werewolves, stay away from me during the full moon!
The problem with the stats on covid are the many half truths and deceptions involved in the reporting, and yes, testing procedures . If you believe the numbers being thrown around on the MSM , then, yes, covid19 is very scary . The problem i and many, many others have is we dont believe the number are even one quarter of what they claim, and honestly more like 15% of the claimed positive tests AND deaths. Anyone that can think for themselves and has enough sense to research the facts that the MSM calls conspiracy theories or just ignores outright , can easily see there is more and less going on than the Rothschild news media is allowing sheepville to see.
As you believe--I believe almost the same. Neither of you two, or anyone else, has all the facts necessary to make a completely informed decision because we are all ... wait for it ... being lied to! About everything.

I am in the frame of mind that leads me to believe that about 15 % is a much more accurate number concerning deaths. I love science fiction, but this vaccine does not seem to fit with huge complications down the road. Yes, I said it does not SEEM to fit. I was wrong once back in 1957. I thought I was going to enjoy school because I had a beautiful kindergarten teacher. Big mistake!

Because the mainstream media is involved in this calculation, no one will ever know the truth, so do whatever your heart and mind say is right for you--because you are being lied to no matter who you listen to. As for me, I'm gonna get the shot. I always wanted a third arm anyway.
You guys may find this interesting or not. I was working in Southern Ohio for most of 2020, what does this have to do with anything? Well that part of the country has a large Amish population and I was attending a auction that was held twice a week where the local farmers were selling their farm produce. None of the Amish Farmers would wear masks and I asked one of them if the virus was affecting their communities in a bad way. He laughed at me and said we do not have electricity or televisions and therefore the virus doesn't bother us. I don't think he believed what the rest of us was told about the virus.
You guys may find this interesting or not. I was working in Southern Ohio for most of 2020, what does this have to do with anything? Well that part of the country has a large Amish population and I was attending a auction that was held twice a week where the local farmers were selling their farm produce. None of the Amish Farmers would wear masks and I asked one of them if the virus was affecting their communities in a bad way. He laughed at me and said we do not have electricity or televisions and therefore the virus doesn't bother us. I don't think he believed what the rest of us was told about the virus.
brother I think you met one of the last intelligent men in America congrats
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