Perfectly normal side effectsGot my first shot two days ago. Woke up yesterday with a little soreness in my arm. While brushing my teeth I thought they looked a little darker than usual, and a little longer, but decided it might have had something to do with the whiskey I had for breakfast. My arm got to itching a little later in the day but I did not notice anything wrong until the little green hairs started sprouting out between the blisters running along that purplish-blue vein shooting down my arm. And that was the other arm. Where I actually took "the needle," there was a knot growing under the skin like a big pimple. Meanwhile, my feet no longer fit in my mountain hiker boots and the hair on my legs was long and little kids were rubbing it down and watching it pop back up. Kinda reminded me of Biden at his swimming pool with Corn Pop. Then my fingernails turned red and looked like a Madona trying to blow up the Whitehouse. I fell into a sweaty sleep and woke up later with one of those second heads people here have been talking about. The head kept asking me when was the last time an actor had killed a president. The boil on my arm from the day before was now a full-sized blood dripping head that looked like a president of some country. I am now having trouble getting rid of the kids trying to play with the hair on my legs and my second head is mad at me because I am a gun-loving nut.
I am shaving the green hair off of my arms with my extremely sharp red fingernails and slapping this actor's head that is growing larger by the hour. I'll get back to you tomorrow, ButterBean, and let you know my status since receiving my first dose of "the Juice." I am going back for my second shot tonight during the full moon.