I have an issue with 6.5 Creedmoor or maybe just reloading

Actually, all the numbers are configurable. I think it bases the seating depth on what you select as your oal, projectile length and case length most likely. Those are just what I had put in.

I really appreciate all the information you guys are sharing. I'll add your steps to my reloading bible. Lol. Anyone who thinks this is easy is a fool. Maybe that was my problem when I started. I thought it might be easier than it actually is and rushed through. I'll make sure to take my time from now on.
Not sure what your answer is saying. What do you mean by configrable? Bottom line though is as DK77mm outlined - it is also an excellent tutroial for seating depth and zeroing in (no pun intended) on your final depth. The OAL is NOT relevent to the seating depth - it the base to ogive.
I have found that moving 10 thousandths works faster, and if you want once you are close, you can go 5 thou. Being a newbie, yes, there is a LOT to learn about Every aspect of reloading. Even more if you are handloading for precision. FYI another point - yes - as QuiteTexan said - you have to do it for each individual bullet. ALso, from what I got from Berger, there can be two different seating depths that work - one in the lands, or wayyyyy out. Read the Berger info on their VLD bulets for more info.
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Not sure what your answer is saying. What do you mean by configrable? Bottom line though is as DK77mm outlined - it is also an excellent tutroial for seating depth and zeroing in (no pun intended) on your final depth. The OAL is NOT relevent to the seating depth - it the base to ogive.
Correct. Base to Ogive is the way to go but being I was a newb, I didn't understand the correlation between the COAL and CBTO. I didn't realize you could follow the standard 2.80 OAL which is what is given with most reloading information, and end up with 1 projectile in the Jam point and another waaaaay off the lands. Now I know... Lol. I have some 6.5 Creedmoor loads that are at 2.89" COAL and others that are all the way in at 2.72" with both having the same CBTO.
Due to the grace of garage sale gods I have added a RCBS 1010 scale, and one RCBS 505 scale and one Redding BB scale on top of one RCBS 1010 and 505 scale and a PACT digital powder dispenser I already owned.

I found my Pact is consistently off (per average of both my 1010 scales) by +/- 0.20-0.250 grains. Few times it was as much as 0.35 off but that happened only once a long time ago using IMR7828 and never since, but if not for having available and using my 1010 to double check every powder charge I wouldn't have caught it. I owned both the 1010 and 505 before buying the PACT some 20-23 years ago and knew even then NEVER to trust any digital powder dispenser in the price range of the PACT and strongly advise as possible no one else do either.
I am triple redundant when it comes to weighing my powder charges for my bottle necked calibers.

Like many here I use the pact to get within 0.2 grains of my desired charge weight then use my Redding powder trickler and my RCBS 1010 to get the exact charge weight. I use the second RCBS 1010 to double check every second or third charge. When reloading powder charges for a established favorite accurate reload I double check with two 1010's every charge.
Wish I could justify/afford a A&D ENG FX-120I but I can't. Until then will get buy with the RCBS 1010.
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Due to the grace of garage sale gods I have added a RCBS 1010 scale, and one RCBS 505 scale and one Redding BB scale on top of one RCBS 1010 and 505 scale and a PACT digital powder dispenser I already owned.

I found my Pact is consistently off (per average of both my 1010 scales) by +/- 0.20-0.250 grains. Few times it was as much as 0.35 off but that happened only once a long time ago using IMR7828 and never since, but if not for having available and using my 1010 to double check every powder charge I wouldn't have caught it. I owned both the 1010 and 505 before buying the PACT some 20-23 years ago and knew even then NEVER to trust any digital powder dispenser in the price range of the PACT and strongly advise as possible no one else do either.
I am triple redundant when it comes to weighing my powder charges for my bottle necked calibers.

Like many here I use the pact to get within 0.2 grains of my desired charge weight then use my Redding powder trickler and my RCBS 1010 to get the exact charge weight. I use the second RCBS 1010 to double check every second or third charge. When reloading powder charges for a established favorite accurate reload I double check with two 1010's every charge.
Wish I could justify/afford a A&D ENG FX-120I but I can't. Until then will get buy with the RCBS 1010.
I had an RCBS Chargemaster that was made by PACT, purchased back in Y2k. I thought I was high class until one day I decided to weigh my charges against my balance beam.. I was getting flyer's, and was having hell trying to figure it out, until I weighed against the balance beam and noticed it was throwing a grain higher at times.. I continued using the dispenser, but did as you and measure each against the balance beam, the PACT unit died last week and I purchased another RCBS Chargemaster 1500, found it on sale at Midsouth for 299.99. I will continue to do the same as before, but I have heard they are pretty accurate out of the box but must purchase an anti-static nozzle to keep it from clumping.
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