I got my first ever elk!!!!

Congratulations Calvin. Happy for you. I love elk meat, but have to admit that I have not shot my first one yet. I get serious about antelope and deer every year, then I look at my freezers and and ask myself where it would go. So I pass a lot of cows and young bulls, waiting for the monster. Processing your own is the best way to go too.
Was also kinda neat..,before Mr elk showed up, for about half an hour I got to watch a mama whitetail and her fawn just do their thing on the other side of the clearing, they had no idea I was ever there, they left as nonchalantly as they arrived after they had their fill of peas (I was hunting in an already harvested pea field, they're everywhere and the critters love them, high protein to bulk up for winter) - they were so carefree and fun to watch.

I also derived some entertainment watching a beautiful red tailed hawk on rodent patrol, flying really low and slow, swooping back and forth. He either didn't know I was there or didn't care, either way it flew in front of me within easy rock throwing range, a majestic creature in its own way as well.

I was NOT accustomed to having those dang sand flies and mosquitoes and wasps pestering me while hunting! 🤣. I'm used to hunting whitetail in late November, and in Saskatchewan there's definitely no bugs around by then. Not a big deal, but those horrible little flies were the greatest challenge to my ability to be quiet and sit still!

About my spot - an old lawn chair set up in a brush line, - I got out there early in the afternoon when I could take my sweet time getting set up just right and then not move all day, with an old dead fallen tree in front of me providing nature's perfect bipod or shooting stick…an actual stick haha, a branch sticking up was the perfect Y Shape to rest the rifle stock in if he came out where I thought he would (and he did)

I made use of a cow elk call but very sparingly, like maybe two or three soft calls every 15-20 minutes or so. I made use of some Tink's cow estrous smoking sticks (like incense but pee scented 🤣) and the wind was blowing it right at where I figured he'd be. I also created a big salt lick patch using a 50L bucket of "Jurassic rock" mineral salt about a week before opening day, pouring it all over a big patch of dirt and kind of stomping it in. This gave time for the elk to figure out the salt was there before hand. This in conjunction with the field I was hunting in being a sweet spot for being a pea field, having a small dugout as a water source, and having this "field within a field" clearing that is a bit secluded and not visible from any road all came together for a great result.

That morning I was out there and saw Elk tracks and poop and bedding sites and pawing around that salt lick all over the place. It all came together.
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It'll work everytime. If I could find a vet that would sew a an "cow elk *****" to my leg and it smell the right way every September, then id be the happiest man with a elk ***** attached to my leg!
I've since edited the post as it was censored haha. Pee. It smells like pee. How would you sew pee onto your leg? 🤣🤣🤣