jeff 300
Well-Known Member
Wolves will respond to calling but I have never seen or heard of them coming in fast like coyotes sometimes do. They generally come in slow and cautious
and may take up to an hour to check out the source of the call. Another tip on hunting them is watch for congreations of birds (crows, ravens, magpies) to locate their kills. If there is lots of prey the pack may not be on the kill long but
sometimes lone wolves will visit these kill sites, which they locate as well sometimes by the birds squawking.
I saw this happen out side of jackson hole a faw years back it was something to see. We where taking pic of a wolf walking down a trail on the side of a hill when he heard a bounch of ravens behind him he turned 180* and took off running to them around a mile. i thought he was going after them but turn out there was a dead big horn that they where on. Very cool to see
BEST THING FOR WOLVES IS S S S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SHOOT, SHOVEL, SHUT UP)