Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. They are less inclined to return
when prey is abundant. I have seen them kill moose, eat only the tongue then leave the kill and never return. I have also seen a pack of hungry wolves kill an adult moose and eat everything except the parts of bone at the hip socket on the pelvis and the parts of the jaw bone that has the teeth in them.
All the rest of the bones were ate and part of the hide. They traveled 40 miles that day, killed and almost totally consumed that moose in an 18 hr period.
Sometimes they will kill a moose and if it is a small pack they will maybe eat a
good part of then move on. A week or two weeks later they may pass by that kill and eat some more if the birds, coyotes and other predators haven't cleaned it up already. Sometimes another pack may come along and clean up the kill. Often times there are lone wolves that are outcast from the pack and
they will tend to follow a day or two behind a pack and feed off kills made by the main pack. These observations are from my own experience with them here in Alaska where they are primarily eating moose. Down south where you are at they have smaller prey like deer, elk , sheep and cattle to feed on.
While this feed is abundant they may kill and move on. When the prey becomes less abundant and packs start competeing with each other for food
then you will see them returning to the kills more often but you will also see kills being cleaned up in a short time. Still, I believe at any stage there are going to be the outcast loners that will be looking for anything left over from the kills made by the larger packs. If your season is open when there is snow on the ground you will learn a lot about their habits by watching tracks. You
can also learn a lot about them by getting on a fresh track and following it,
whether on foot, horseback , snowmachine or ATV. Not only that but you may get a long range crack at them if they move out in open country. Having said
all that, you are in a different country with different situations and what works here may not work the same there. But were ever they are, their belly plays a big part in their actions. Kinda like me I guess