How to hunt wolves?

All the ranchers that have suffered losses from wolf predation should ask the feds when they will be compensated for the loss of livestock,

I know,,get real,,..
Ya that'll happen. One ranch just out of town said his summer total loss to wolve was around 600 sheep, they put coyotes to shame.
I've got to get my butt out and find one, Montana is burning through there quota.:cool:
Bait 'em if you can. Grab part of a carcass and slap it out in a field if it's earlier season. Make sure you chain or cable it to something so they can't take it into the bush.

If it's late season use a method that an old trapper taught me. Find a frozen lake or pond and cut a hole in the ice. Pop part of the carcass (like a leg) into the hole. The water will freeze over again and lock it in place.

Pick a shooting position and blast away.

We can hunt wolves with no licence and no bag limit up here for 10 months out of the year. No matter how many get nailed though the packs just keep getting bigger.

Moose and deer popluations are really starting to suffer.
Idaho rules for woofs:

No trap, snare or otherwise capture or hold.

No hunting or pursuit of woofs within 1/2 mile of any active ID F&G big game feeding site. (Hmmm, what if I'm 3/4 of a mile away but the woof is w/in 200 yds. Bet they haven't thought of that!)

Weapons restriction - same as for big game. 16#s all up.

Electronic calls: None allowed.

Bait: No baiting or hunting over bait. Unlawful to hunt woofs w/in 200 yds of the perimeter of any designated dump or sanitary land fill. (See above comment.)

Dogs: Use of dogs to attract or pursue woofs is prohibited. (Hmmmm what about hiking and taking a dog along. What about pack goats and burros or horses?)

Retrieving meat: Must retrieve all usable meat from the carcass. Meat must be used to make curry!:D (that one's mine)

Do woofs ever come back to a kill site? (A site where they left their kill)
Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. They are less inclined to return
when prey is abundant. I have seen them kill moose, eat only the tongue then leave the kill and never return. I have also seen a pack of hungry wolves kill an adult moose and eat everything except the parts of bone at the hip socket on the pelvis and the parts of the jaw bone that has the teeth in them.
All the rest of the bones were ate and part of the hide. They traveled 40 miles that day, killed and almost totally consumed that moose in an 18 hr period.
Sometimes they will kill a moose and if it is a small pack they will maybe eat a
good part of then move on. A week or two weeks later they may pass by that kill and eat some more if the birds, coyotes and other predators haven't cleaned it up already. Sometimes another pack may come along and clean up the kill. Often times there are lone wolves that are outcast from the pack and
they will tend to follow a day or two behind a pack and feed off kills made by the main pack. These observations are from my own experience with them here in Alaska where they are primarily eating moose. Down south where you are at they have smaller prey like deer, elk , sheep and cattle to feed on.
While this feed is abundant they may kill and move on. When the prey becomes less abundant and packs start competeing with each other for food
then you will see them returning to the kills more often but you will also see kills being cleaned up in a short time. Still, I believe at any stage there are going to be the outcast loners that will be looking for anything left over from the kills made by the larger packs. If your season is open when there is snow on the ground you will learn a lot about their habits by watching tracks. You
can also learn a lot about them by getting on a fresh track and following it,
whether on foot, horseback , snowmachine or ATV. Not only that but you may get a long range crack at them if they move out in open country. Having said
all that, you are in a different country with different situations and what works here may not work the same there. But were ever they are, their belly plays a big part in their actions. Kinda like me I guess :)

When the snow gets here and the elk are in the feeding and wintering areas I'm going to log some air time with the area camera and do some studies.

We can snag pics from 2500' AGL with resolution less than a cinder block. Should be able to see some nifty stuff. I hope.
Thats a good idea, document whatever you can. Is the 2500 ft AGL the minuim altitude for flying over yellowstone or can you go lower? Here I think some areas it's 1000 ft AGL, but most have no restrictions.
Thats a good idea, document whatever you can. Is the 2500 ft AGL the minuim altitude for flying over yellowstone or can you go lower? Here I think some areas it's 1000 ft AGL, but most have no restrictions.

2500 AGL gets us about a foot per pixel resolution. We can and do fly lower. When checking the canyons after the cattle have been pulled off, on the stragglers we can't quite read the brand but we can sure see that ear tag.:)

I'm not sure how universal is its yet but there is grass roots movement developing for a shoot and release program.:)
No can do on the baiting, they are a big game animal. We can't bait anything in Mt.

Who's to say you put the bait there???
maybe the wolves left it.
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