How much water do you take with you?

I have found that on a mild to warm day of hard hiking I drink about 2L ( 1 bladder), I also take a canteen. In my survival kit I keep a small bit of pool chlorine just in case I have to disinfect the water.

If you use pool chlorine make sure it is pure chlorine with not algaecide or other additives. I have drank enough pool water to know that the pool chlorine is quite safe.
ko1featherweigh, what's your ratio of pool chlorine to water?

There are different concentrations of chlorine so I can't really tell you how much to use
I use the information here; read all of it there is a lot of good information. I did more research than this but this will get you started.
Emergency Disinfection of Drinking Water | Safewater | Water | US EPA

I only use this method in emergencies, if I am going for a long trip I will take a filter. I have only done this a few times, and once to try it out.
What I do is keep a weighted amount of granulated pool chlorine ("once again make sure the chlorine does not contain any kind of algaecides'') in a tiny empty bottle. All I have to do is fill the tiny bottle with water, dissolve the chlorine and I am left with house hold bleach. For me I have to add 2 drops of the mixture (but i add 3)to my canteen, and let it sit for a couple minutes. If it smells/taste like chlorine shake the bottle and the smell/taste should go away.
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You wont like Geardia its pure hell, if you are in the bush. its like poison if you dont have help
you can die . This is something you must take serious if you drink bush water boil it and or use Iodine / chlorine pills that you drop in your canteens. Always keep extra water.
I have had it once, and that was the one time I never forgot, sick puking $hiting every step.
Dont ever let clear water fool you into thinking its good water. Before I go out for a stay in the woods in Canada I would bring antibiotics, I would use them for a week ahead of my stay.
(that was when I was young and dumb).
kc, what's the cure? do they just load you up on antibiotics or what and how long does it last?
Thats a good question, I never asked my DR if this would stop it. I just dont take any chances,
I was on antibiotics every day and had a real hard time keeping them down this hell I went through lasted a little over 2 weeks but I was run down so bad that I lost 20lbs in two weeks.
Thats no Bull ****, I was not the same for most of a year. I know there are filters, thats great, I am gun shy and will be the rest of my life. I use two nylon canteens that I have had for 40 years
and never let them out of my sight..I told my son to buy his own. I keep two on me and a bottle of water in my pack.
2 weeks and not holding much down + you know what your brains out and I'll bet you would loose some significant weight...must be some wicked stuff.
Chas1 it was comming out both ends. REMEMBER THIS! if you get sick like this, get some coke syrup or shake the fizz out and drink it flat...if you do hurle the syrup will coat your stomach
and will help keep the meds down. along with fluids.

There are rivers where you can get safe drinking water, but dont chance safe.
this can be fatal.
I only backpack hunt in remote mountainous areas of British Columbia it is very rare for me to not find or camp beside a glacier fed stream so I only carry a 1 liter collapsible water container.

In these areas I have never worried about impurities in the water I do when I am in low land but not up there.
Moki, you might want to read kc's post...if you get it, it sounds nasty. Just my 2 cents.:)
I only backpack hunt in remote mountainous areas of British Columbia it is very rare for me to not find or camp beside a glacier fed stream so I only carry a 1 liter collapsible water container.

In these areas I have never worried about impurities in the water I do when I am in low land but not up there

Moki, you might want to read kc's post...if you get it, it sounds nasty. Just my 2 cents.:)

Thanks for pointing that out... yes I did read it that is why I specifically pointed out that I drink from glacier fed streams without worry, should have added that I am not referring to when that stream was now in the valley but still up on/in the mtns when in low lands I have known from being a child that we need to boil our drinking water so I always boil it before I put it into my water container.

We call it beaver fever up here.. :(

I have an old friend that was a bush pilot in central BC in the 1950's that has for years shared some of the simple things to survive that he learnt from many of the old time prospectors/trappers that lived year round out in the bush this was one of them.
Use a large camelback blader, and a nalgen bottle 1 leter. The nalgen bottle is for the evening when I boil water for my mountain house, or ramen, then comes the high light of the day. One full nalgen bottle wtih one packet of Emergen-C, and one crystal light mini packet of mango tea. Even when the weather is not 90+, the sweatness gets you to drink all of the liquid, and helps you stay hydrated, and it tasts **** good.
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