Backpack only,,, drop rigging at camp spot,,, then fill hip pack for the hunting circle loop around,,, I don't want to be more than 6 to 7 kms 1 way from my main set-up...
Ive traveled this area many times over the years,,, thats why I hunt this area... normally I don't have to walk that far to fill my tag,,, its more about being out there these days... ha... the hunting thing is just part of the mix """if""" i pull the trigger... most of the time its the adventures of just being there...
This ultra light back pack idea is to give it a try,,, either it works or it doesn't,,, I know one thing,,, I won't be to far from my support unit if things go south,,, not on the first test runs...
A light weight hunting adventure will be good for me to try,,, I'm looking forward to it...
The reason for the 45 to 60L back pack is for volume,,, not weight """if""" I can pull it off...
The heaviest things might the cloths ill be wearing,,, and boots I have on,,, rifle,,, ammo,,, knife and hunting extras... This stuff gets heavy fast...
Hopefully the volume of the back pack can accommodate some of the cloths if I dont need to wear when Im walking in...
Thin hunting pants and shirt for me when walking since Im hot blooded... ha...
I use to make the mistake of dressing to warm on my walks,,, hopefully I have learned my lesson...
Again,,, this will be a learning curve for me,,, my body cant do the heavy packs,,, a worn out back,,, middle age knees,,, lungs that need to rest... and brain power that is not as sharp as it was 33 years ago...