Thanks for the info guys. Those are great ideas. I don't have QL, but it is tempting! I actually enjoy load workup a lot. I'm trying to figure out how I can make it a job . It gets me out of the house and away from reality, which is getting harder to do now days. Being that I have a lot of 200 new brass that I want to use going forward, I ended up loading some pressure test rounds and will be recording velocity as soon as the temps get above zero. My starting load will be about 3 grains under what the last one was, which equates to about 4%. I understand that case volume plays a big factor in pressure. I was mainly looking at a starting point being that there just isn't as much data for VV powders as compared to some others. Overall, the combination of new ADG brass and VV N565 powder had me wondering exactly where I should start.