Beavis Ranch
Well-Known Member
I just thought they used 136 round revolvers!Always makes for a good laugh, including the lack of reloading.
I just thought they used 136 round revolvers!Always makes for a good laugh, including the lack of reloading.
The only thing there is the amount of firearms he is or was carrying. At lease John Wick reloads. In Nam we call the M-60 the HOG, because it use 600 rounds per minute, If the trigger was held depressed. You couldn't use it that way. It would heat up or burn up in not to many rounds. I was watching a movie on tunnels in Vietnam in 1968 I believe. It was so stupid I had to turn it off. I was crazy enough that I went down a lot tunnels for awhile. Needless to stay most of the time nobody was home. Not all! Otherwise I wouldn't be writing about it today. I got the handle of crazy medic, and I wonder why?The goofs annoy me a bit , but I really enjoy when the studio and the production companies take real care to get it right. The Guns, the ammo and the actor being trained to actually use it and appear to actually be comfortable with it. The John Wick series of three movies come to mind. I think his training in shooting Three Gun added to the realism. I enjoyed it.
I think this thread is fiction, along with the OP Dmass or one of his many names everywhereImagine a story where a famous Hollywood A-hole anti-gun guy accidentally shoots two members of his film crew because he's a complete idiot on gun safety rules. Oh wait, this thread is about fiction, isn't it...
It isn't very entertaining to me when my brain keeps going, "Tilt, That ain't right".It does not bother me, they are made/written for entertainment value.
I once had a "gun expert" in Florida try to convince me three guns was an, "Arsenal".Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series
45 Colt Magnum
16 guns is an arsenal