How it’s done.

Very nice! D6 has some of the most beautiful terrain and the foothills up to the peaks are home to fair numbers of healthy bucks. Think, land adjacent to Yosemite National Park. An incredible outdoor adventure hunting experience. Beat yourselves up is right!
Every year my partners and myself beat ourselves up chasing deer in the California back country ( yes it is there if you know where to look ). As usual we had another successful opener. Glassed this guy before the opener. We put ourselves in position to find him Saturday morning. 3 hours to circle around and drop in from above him. Found him asleep where we had left him. Easy 100 yard shot for my .280AI and 140gr TTSX.
Congrats ! Nice Ca. buck. I used to hunt D14 and D16 for many years. I turned in my non res X12 tag this year cause of fires . Bodie and BLM were open but I didn't want to be limited to just there. Got my points back plus this year's. They are going to do partial refunds on non res tags. I was looking forward to seeing family and friends. Bummed.
I've packed into D7 a couple times. Only way to do it for nice bucks there . You know that !
Every year my partners and myself beat ourselves up chasing deer in the California back country ( yes it is there if you know where to look ). As usual we had another successful opener. Glassed this guy before the opener. We put ourselves in position to find him Saturday morning. 3 hours to circle around and drop in from above him. Found him asleep where we had left him. Easy 100 yard shot for my .280AI and 140gr TTSX.
That's really a nice buck for California. Congrats
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