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How about let’s see them Reloading Benches


I`m mainly a Hornady Man, dies, press , scales etc!!! I`m in the process of getting insulated storage for the powder , looking for a smaller fridge, to try? I bought inside thermometer to check reload area & it gets warmer than I like with 75% humidity most days!!
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Losing my basement in a move. Only way to keep loading room out of the heat in the garage is to use a double door closet in the guest bedroom. I'm thinking 2 presses and my 2 chargemasters should fit ok. Any ideas for confined spaces? Pictures?
Here is my "Reloading Lab". I am in the process of creating a detailed video series to be published on youtube and then electronic media. I have an engineering workstation dedicated to video editing and computer engineering graphics set up beside my bench and a monitor front and center. I have been reloading since 1988. It all started with 30-06 for hunting, 308 winny for competitive long distance shooting, and then graduated to 338 LM. I also reload 9mm, 45, 357, 38 and a whole other host of calibers that have since fallen from interest. Peterson Cartridge and Cutting Edge Bullets, as sponsors, have been responsible for contributing to my success.

Being a DAV (medically retired) allows me to take my time and be as precise as possible with the means and methods that I have. Luckily I was an engineer with a high degree of mechanical aptitude to grasp the reloading bug and hold on to it. Hopefully when my video series is finalized, all will be able to see the area and me in action. Coming in July!

I have a reloading bench and desk that are both made out of the same reclaimed wood...truck decking for the top and tropical hardwood sea pallet 4x4's for the legs.

Edit - just saw request for details on equipment...Co-ax, FX-120i, AMP annealer, Giraud trimmer, 21st century neck lathe and con gauge, Larry Willis headspace gauge, and other random crap.

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Yes great post and pics.
I am just Finnishing up remodeling our home and this post was perfect timing as the "second living room" is going to be my reloading room! I got some great ideas from you all.
That is a Dewalt 6" Heavy Duty vise. I researched it and big vices are expensive man. I found this one online for like 100 bucks shipped and its a nice vice for that price for sure. Some Home Depots and Lowes near you may have them in stock just have to look. It's probably overkill but works.

Thanks for the info, I love overkill.
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