Reloading benches....let's see 'em

For a bench top those slabs kill me....rather see them in my living room holding up 360° fish mounts....those would look awesome Wil an oil rubbed finish...
As for table tops...I along with a lot of you probably missed the boat when I first pieced this together...gotta think strong...redoing it I would probably go with a piece of 1 1/8" silent floor plywood...keep things from bouncing and a lot more material to put bolts into to hold loaders and such in 3/4" plywood flexes which allows the holes to widen....
check some of these out....


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How it looked during initial construction and setup. I had to build it in 2 sections over 2 weekends. Now has 3 presses in a production, a printer station, gun maintenance station and case prep station. 16ft long. Just 5/8" plywood and 2x4's mostly with a few other bits.

Not sure if you have access to slabs but here's what I'm in the process of making.
Used my chainsaw mill to rip these 24" wide.
Gonna run another slab below and build a hutch style shelf along the wall.
I won't post a pic of my current disaster..View attachment 87820

What are you going to use to finish and protect the wood? I have a slab of Ash that is similar is size that i was planning on using, but unsure of what will hold up.
What are you going to use to finish and protect the wood? I have a slab of Ash that is similar is size that i was planning on using, but unsure of what will hold up.
I used a satin water based floor finish I think it's called Spar polyurethane, got it at home depot. Didn't want oil based because it would yellow the awesome natural bluestain pine look.
Lots of sweat equity but the wood was free..
I used cabinets salvaged from a kitchen remodel, a heavy steel desk with 3/4" plywood top and built a HD bench for my presses - a Lee for depriming, a T-7, a Big Boss and a CoAx.

I use 4 areas. 1.- Depriming, resizing, seating. 2.- Trimming, chamfering, neck turning, powder weighing. 3.- Brass cleaning and annealing. 4.- Rifle cleaning & repair. I also store primers in a defunct upright freezer and bullets and powder on steel shelving. It has taken years to get everything set up to suit me. Nothing is very fancy, but it works well for my needs.
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Got my second bench for my reloading room put together using the leg and shelf kit I bought. Took me about 2 hours to get together and it's a brick s*** house. Not real pleasing to the eye, but I'm more of a function over form kind of guy. I'm happy with it and it only cost me about 200 bucks all in with wood and kit.


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Got my second bench for my reloading room put together using the leg and shelf kit I bought. Took me about 2 hours to get together and it's a brick s*** house. Not real pleasing to the eye, but I'm more of a function over form kind of guy. I'm happy with it and it only cost me about 200 bucks all in with wood and kit.
That does look sturdy. I'm gonna have to look into one of those.
You could put some peg board in the back of it and hang calipers and such.
I built the new table on right side with scrap wood I had. Table top is 2 pieces of 3/4 in plywood separated by 1x4s, and I connected them with wood screws from bottom. I rounded the edges with a router and sanded to 320 grit. Legs made screwing 2x4s together, strong layered 2x4 bases screwed to floor table is screwed into wall for no movement. It is 48" x30" presses set over the legs. Brass work and pistol loading done on old desk.


Too bad Broz don't come on hear too much any more. From the looks of it in his how to vids he has an awesome looking setup
On a past thread re:"reloading benches-show and tell", the image that shows the complete depth and breath of Broz's reloading "area", newly finished at the time, is quite impressive.
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