Hong Kong no


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2014
Okay gentelmen I need a no BS objective look based on practical application. I can't get ammo from work due to stuff, so I've got to buy my own ammo now. I've ordered HSM trophy Berger .300 WM 185 grain. I've also used and killed deer with barns X, my newest order is the new barns 190 grain LR ammo. I've read tons of stuff on line about Berger being a tac driving long range off the shelf bullet. With that being said some folks are saying its not a general purpose hunting round, in other words doesn't work well on the shoulder of an elk. With that being said I've also read that this bullet is a deer slaying machine out to 700 yards easy. Don't know what to think at this point so I leaning on you guys. Most of my research has pointed me to Berger bullets are perfect when making a clean vital shot (nuff said there right) but sometimes you/we may get given a solid shoulder shot in which case my research says they don't do so well on big game. Don't know never hunted with them, I have however hunted with the barns TSX solid copper core and they have done well. I would appreciate some constructive input. Thanks in advance
My own experience, I've been shooting Bergers in several calibers for fifteen years. All well placed shots on deer, antelope and elk were dead within 0-40 yards. Friends and family have had the same results. Shots from 50 to 500 yds. We all learned from the beginning to insure the tips were open. I've seen poorly placed shots with Bergers where the animals needed to be tracked, but the same is true with any bullet. You indicated you are comfortable with the Barnes bullet, perhaps you might stay with what works for you. Good luck
BigNgreen will be along soon to reassure you about using the Bergers for game up to and including elk. He is a big fan and has a lot of 'shots on game' to validate his opinion. As Dosh pointed out, just make sure the hollowpoint is OPEN before sending them downrange. Use a needle, a straightened/sharpened paperclip, a tiny drill bit...something to make sure there is a hole up there. It's a cup & core bullet. They've been working well on game for years. And you've pointed out the only real weakness (trying to break the shoulder of an elk.) But a lot of bullets struggle with that.

I think where the Bergers will help is on LONG shots because the velocity drop-off is 'bad' for the Barnes bullets (they need speed to open up) and the Bergers can open at a lower velocity threshold. But if your yardage is restricted to where the velocity remains in the 2000 to 2200 range, the Barnes will still be your huckleberry.
I'm a believer in Bonded bullets vs Solids. My vote goes to Swift Scirocco for long range shots and Swift A-Frame for shots expected to be under 500 yards.
I think it's an on obvious decision. If you want to drill the vitals from any angle on an animal, there are better projectiles out there than Berger's. If you going to wait for the right shot, then don't worry about using a Berger. They are undeniable accurate but not the best all around hunting round. I shoot Berger's for the record.
Okay gentelmen I need a no BS objective look based on practical application. I can't get ammo from work due to stuff, so I've got to buy my own ammo now. I've ordered HSM trophy Berger .300 WM 185 grain. I've also used and killed deer with barns X, my newest order is the new barns 190 grain LR ammo. I've read tons of stuff on line about Berger being a tac driving long range off the shelf bullet. With that being said some folks are saying its not a general purpose hunting round, in other words doesn't work well on the shoulder of an elk. With that being said I've also read that this bullet is a deer slaying machine out to 700 yards easy. Don't know what to think at this point so I leaning on you guys. Most of my research has pointed me to Berger bullets are perfect when making a clean vital shot (nuff said there right) but sometimes you/we may get given a solid shoulder shot in which case my research says they don't do so well on big game. Don't know never hunted with them, I have however hunted with the barns TSX solid copper core and they have done well. I would appreciate some constructive input. Thanks in advance

Bergers are good to go, even on shoulder shots on elk. I always to try to put them behind the shoulder, but crap happens and they will bust through bone to get to the vitals.
I use Bergers in every rifle my sons and myself hunt with, I wont hesitate any shot placement from neck to high shoulder to boiler room, you just have to remember to match the sectional density to the chamber, I would not shoot a 140 class VLD in a 7 RUM but I sure would in a 7-08. I try to keep my SD's around .290+ on anything that will go 3000+fps to keep meat loss down
I think it's an on obvious decision. If you want to drill the vitals from any angle on an animal, there are better projectiles out there than Berger's. If you going to wait for the right shot, then don't worry about using a Berger. They are undeniable accurate but not the best all around hunting round. I shoot Berger's for the record.

I'd agree with this 100%. My perfectly placed shots using Berger all did what they were supposed to. Anything outside of perfect, I've had issues, especially under 400 yards. Due to this, I've switched from Berger to ELDX. I think the Berger's were more accurate, but the ELDX terminal performance has been flawless. My 2c.
For factory ammo I don't think you can go wrong with the Hornady extreme hunter. I bought a box of the loaded 185gr Berger's back when it was labeled ABM ammunition and couldn't get it to group in my 300 win mag
I've seen a number of elk killed with 30 cal bergers. The 175gr out of a 308 went thru a shoulder and had a massive exit in the crease on the offside @403 yards.
The 215 out of a 300 wm dropped the bull in my avatar@208 yards with a lung shot.
The same bullet killed a 5x6 @150 one shot. It also killed the cow about 20 yards behind it after it went thru the bull.
Shoot the 215 out of a 300 wm and put it where it counts.
I think it's an on obvious decision. If you want to drill the vitals from any angle on an animal, there are better projectiles out there than Berger's. If you going to wait for the right shot, then don't worry about using a Berger. They are undeniable accurate but not the best all around hunting round. I shoot Berger's for the record.
The name burger covers quite a few bullets depending on the type of bullet where there is a match grade round not necessarily meant to expand properly with low velocity's or a round like the VLD hunting which is made to expand at lower velocities and greater distance
215 Berger from .300RUM @ 3100fps MV, 432 yards on mature bull elk. Broke both front shoulders (not femurs) and shattered a vertebra. Stopped in offside hide. Bull dropped at the shot.
Glassed up from 1400

Made the shot w. 30 minutes left in the 10 day hunt

thats a fine kill right there!
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