Hind Quarter Funk

Last light elk down and midnight packouts make for some "Type II" "fun"....
Kinda miserable while its happening but love the packout stories to be told after its over. Day or night regardless, I think the amount of work we do to put wild game on the table is what makes hunters more appreciative of their food than others, hunting really puts life in perspective.

And zero judgement on the OP there's never a need to lambast someone for a mistake or asking questions, in fact brave to share here to ask and learn as others will learn too.
Trim out the off parts and now you know for next time. A lot of the time I solo hunt, when I down a bull far from the truck, I skin and quarter. Like others I carry 550 which I hang the rest to cool. Still looking for a good bone saw that's pack able. Congratulations on your elk! Enjoy the meat you have. Very few hunters get to harvest an elk. Most of the time, the successful hunter fills their tag most years. Don't worry about the negative comments and just learn from your mistake. Happy hunting