About 20 years ago they supplied custom actions for GA Precision's custom builds. I have one that is a GAP 7000. I've been shooting that rifle in matches and hunting since early 2007. It started life as a long action 7WSM and is now a 7RM more for hunting. When it was new from GAP, I remember testing pointed against non pointed bullets at 1k. That day I managed to print a 5" and 6" group at 1k, and 1" at 300 was common for it. I haven't been able to duplicate that level of consistency with a rifle since, but it is my only full custom build. Caveat, I don't shoot as much now as I did then, either. However, with todays plethora of custom actions with off the shelf prefits, I wouldn't pay for a Lawton what I would for a Termius, Curtis, Defiance, Impact...., but they are nice actions.