Help me score this speed goat please!!!

EM, that buck has good cutters! Some areas just don't grow 16"+ bucks. I really like the full curl-in tops, makes a nice mount.


Just heard he was shot opening morning of Nebraska rifle season. Glad someone was able to get him. Nebraska can be tough finding decent antelope. The way things are looking I'll draw next year for muzzleloader. Be the first year I take boy. Still trying to decide what unit to apply for though.

Thanks for the reply.
I ended up killing this goat, and he scored 80-6/8 green, I think you may be underselling that goat a little...mine was only 14" long but had 7" base and 2nd quarter measurements, and good diggers
Your patience certainly paid off.

The one you started this thread about looks to be a young immature buck probably not over 2 years old.

This guy looks like he was in the prime of his life and most likely already had ample opportunity to pass along his genes to the genepool.

He may not have the best length of any buck in the field but the mass and cutters are awesome. One to be proud of for sure.

In flat country any one you can get close enough to shoot even at long range is a nice trophy as long as it's legal for that matter.:)
What does this guy score? Can't decide if I want to shoot him. I'm thinkin he is mid 70's, 74-75, and I would like one over 80. SW wyoming for reference.

He has decent mass but doesn't look terribly long, and the diggers aren't outstanding. Wondering if someone with more experience can help me out, thanks all!!

Think Mass. Base Mass, Mid Horn Mass, High Horn Mass, and great cutter to mass relationship. Length should be a secondary consideration, especially in Wyoming. lots of really great pronghorn people refuse to shoot because of pipe dreams being fed to them by people like the eastmans and huntin' fool that a 15-16" antelope is around every corner in a trophy unit....
Think Mass. Base Mass, Mid Horn Mass, High Horn Mass, and great cutter to mass relationship. Length should be a secondary consideration, especially in Wyoming. lots of really great pronghorn people refuse to shoot because of pipe dreams being fed to them by people like the eastmans and huntin' fool that a 15-16" antelope is around every corner in a trophy unit....

I was talking to the taxidermist that I took my goat to, and he says every year he does one to three goats that are upper 80" to 90" that come from the area I hunt in, I actually got to look at one he had in his shop that green scored 91", that thing was awesome, and from my area. He said he does about 10 every year that score over 80. I think on the next goat tag I get I'm gonna put in even more time and try to find one that will make all time B&C, since I know I have them in my area.
I'm not up on what it takes to make the "book" now but it takes length and mass I know. I took a "speed goat" to meat processor in Casper, Wyoming back in the mid1980s. I knew he had great mass but he was short in my estimation. I was bummed at the time because I had shot over the back of a massive one because I miss judged the range of that I believe was well over 16" and had massive prongs. I had for the first time changed how I sighted in my rifle and had it sighted in for 3" high at 100 yards. If I had held right where I wanted to hit him I would have killed him but old habits kicked in and I held over so I shot over his back. I know his head is around my home somewhere but we have not fully unpacked since getting to CA. My friend worked at the meat processing place and he freaked when he saw the "goats horns" and kept bugging me about getting them scored. After about six months of him bugging me I finally took them down to a taxidermy in Casper and asked the owner at his convenience to score them but not to rush as Did think they would rank but I was doing it to satisfy a friend. I don't remember how many weeks later he called me to come down but I was surprised when he said they missed the book minimum by a I think it was 2 or 3 points. If I could find the skull it has the score marked on it. Anyway, I have always hunted for "hunters for the hungry" but then I would not turn down a trophy if it came my way.

I am not against trophy hunting it is just that I have not had the time, money, or opportunity to really do it.
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