Help me pick a ML

They're total JUNK. If I were given one, I'd get rid of it and not even shoot it. I had my first chance to examine two (2) different rifles today. Its no wonder you don't see any great target pictures from them. That hinge with both barrels open, moved at least 1/4" at the end of the barrels. At least 3/16" movement with the barrels closed. Sorry but I wouldn't even consider one......

Wow that surprises me! You would think that with the thought (or perceived) that went into this with seemingly good features I was expecting more. Too bad, I am not pleased with most available rifles. I have an Encore, I sold the original tube, have a Bergara now that is better, but not good enough.

I may give one of the upper end Knights a go!
Remington will be coming out with a new muzzleloader this summer, so they indicate. They bought the rights to use the patented Johnston muzzleloader breech plug. Lots of talk about it but, rather it will be a pellet only rifle or, BH209 capable is still up in the air. They will be using the 700 action and the assumption is that it will be 200gr capable. What production barrel it will have is another question. Many are waiting on what Remington will bring out this fall and that could be a consideration but, also a risk. If Remington listened to some of the builders/shooters, they could hit the jackpot. If they didn't and do as they have in the past, well it'll be another failure...

I've been working hard on the funds for an Ultimate myself and rather I can pull it off is the million dollar question. Wife says sell firearms you don't use or, GET A JOB.
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