Having a 6.5 decision debacle.....

I really appreciate all the advice everyone has given me here! The 6.5 PRC I think may be the ticket.

I have a goliath of a .300wm that is too much to carry in the field. Probably tips the scale around 15lbs. I just know if I get something capable and light i will never carry it.

Having the forgiveness of extra velocity may be what I need, light and capable is what i want.
This guy lays it out pretty well (300WM, 6.5 PRC, Creed comparison).
I have all 3. 6.5 creed (20"), 6.5-284(24-28.5"), 6.5 PRC(22").

If you go short action the 6.5 PRC will serve you better than a creedmoor for the extra energy on elk. For deer, it won't matter. Hit them correctly with any of those it's a done deal. I use my light weight creed for long *** hikes and wolf and deer. We have had several clients kill good bulls at 500 with creeds and they were DRT. I'd likely go PRC or 284 if I went after elk long range tho. Simply because I have them and run 147's at 3000 plus in my 6.5-284 with a 28".

If you choose long action and don't want a magnum then the 6.5-284 is nice cartridge. I have been running those for several years and have had 7.

The 6.5 PRC has gunwerks/ADG brass available and so far it seems like a decent cartridge with a crap ton of potential. I am still messing with mine, only 30 rounds down the barrel, but it looks like it is going to be very easy to tune.
Having just bought a rifle in 6.5 PRC, I'm going to vote for that given your parameters. I also shoot suppressed and put together a 6.5 Creedmoor with a 20" barrel last year. It's a great cartridge, but I'm only getting 2500 fps out of it with the 143gr Hornady Precision Hunter load using the short barrel. When I stepped up to the PRC chambered rifle, I chose one with a carbon wrapped 24" barrel and am now averaging 2985 with the 6.5 PRC Precision Hunter load. I'll find out for sure this hunting season, but I feel like the additional barrel length and oomph from the PRC will be worth it. It may have already been mentioned in case I missed it, but I would keep in mind the wind advantage of the faster PRC. And while slightly more expensive to feed than the Creedmoor, it's not a budget breaker for me.
I own and have taken game with many of the 6.5 calibers you are considering all the way below at the 6.5 Grendel to the 6.5 STW and 6.5-300 Weatherby. I have more experience with the 6.5X55 than any of the others taking all kinds of game in Europe, Africa and the US and Canada. For your purposes, I would choose the 6.5 Creedmoor. It kills everything fine but your supposition that an animal can't tell the difference in 300 FPS doesn't match my experience. I have seen a tremendous difference in dead right there shots when Impact velocity is above 2600 FPS than when it is below. It may not matter much because even elk are dead when a 6.5 is placed through the lungs even at 2200 FPS but there will be tracking involved.
Why does everyone buy 6.5s and nothing else? There are lots of good rounds
out there that aren't .264 caliber. If I wanted a nice light powerful rifle I would
be thinking .300 short magnum or something. It could be loaded to .308 velocities
or up to magnum velocities for really bigger game.
Have owned and loaded basically all calibers mentioned in this thread with the exception of the SAUM

My two cents but the Creed just doesn't have enough juice for me. I have a nice Creed chassis gun and just wish the cartridge could hold between 48 and 56 grains of powder.

Too underpowered in my view and that includes target shooting. If I have to hit a target at 1k I shoot my 280ai not my creedmoor
Zeke, I think your rhetorical question would be a better topic all it's own...and one that would most likely devolve quickly into people getting butt hurt and name calling. If you don't have a .264 (any version) in your safe, do yourself a favor and get one to play with.;)
build a 6.5 WSM and forget the rest, you can load it to the top and smother all the others, can also download to match the mini's with quite a few powders with proper case fill

looking at the new 156 gr Berger hunting bullet I'd skip the anemic lil things and get a proper case for the bullet, keep hearing guys complain how the 156 gr bullet doesn't flatten trajectory over the 140 gr class of bullets .... get a bigger cartridge, duh
I have been sitting on the sidelines with the 6.5 cals for along time.

I have decided to build a light handy 6.5 for hunting. My dad has recently retired and I think some more hunting is in store for us. Elk, deer, antelope maybe hog. My personal ethics, skills etc put a 600 yard cap on shots conditions depending. I enjoy ringing steel further out!

I run suppressed and want a barrel length of 20-22" to keep everything reasonably portable. I reload heavily for other calibers. (.308 .300 wm, etc.) I intend to reload using a 130 to 140 class bullet ( probably 143 eldx). I dont want to have to fire form or turn necks, ain't nobody got time for that!

The way I see it I have two direction's caliber wise.

1. 6.5 creedmoor, 260 rem, 6.5 x 47. All are around the same class netting 2800 on the high side, mid 2700's more practicality.

2. 6.5 PRC, 6.5-284, 6.5-06, 6.5 X 55. These would net roughly 3000 fps, excluding the Swede, mid 2900's with barrel length.

3. 264 win mag, 26 nosler, 6.5 saum, the boutique various 6.5 Sherman's (sorry elkaholic) and similar Wildcats. Probably could break 3100-3200 but is a significant amount of overbore waste for barrel life and components used, chasing velocity on a short setup.

I ran the numbers on a 143 eldx at my altitude, 10 mph drift, energy, etc. Sorry I work in mils.

2800 fps @ 600 yards 3.5 mil / .8 / 1427lbs

3000 fps @ 600 yards 3.0 mil / .7 / 1667lbs

I didn't run anything at 3200 because I know its getting silly for the cost.

I have never shot any game with a 6.5 bullet. I like performance, but I'm trying to be practical, I cant imagine game is going to care about 200-300fps?

I really have had my eye on a PRC. But in running the numbers it doesn't seem to offer that much more. I have seriously given the 6.5 284 a thought as well as the .264 win mag. There's obviously pros and cons to both.

Component availability is a very real thing as well. 6.5 creedmoor is everywhere, cheap! With the exception of the PRC it's all out there at a cost. Perhaps in 5 years that's a different story. I dont think the PRC will go completely extinct but who knows.

I'm having a difficult time settling in on the right caliber for me and my needs. View attachment 143284 View attachment 143285
From personal experience going from a 24 to a 22 in BBL. You lose 100fps in the Creedmoor,keep your shots on Elk reasonable and gave a tag and a sharp knife. Gave fun!
I like the 6.5wsm thought. I do the same with my 300wsm. I am a huge fan of the 308 and with the wsm I can use the same projectiles I have experience on animals with and get another 200 - 300 fps with lower end loads with accuracy
To the original poster, I just did a load development for my dad's new rifle. A Sauer 6.5 PRC with a 20" barrel. With that I was able to achieve 2835fps with a 143 eld-x at modest pressure using H1000. Being a brand new barrel it is likely it will speed up as well.
I shoot a 6.5PRC suppressed, built on a 700 action. I can put 5 of 5 rounds into an orange at 600 yards.... because I practice. That said, I seriously question the ethics of the "three rounds per year" hunter attempting a 600 yards shot while experiencing typical adrenaline rush of a big elk in the sights. Just my opinion... We've lost the ability to hunt, close the distance to 200 yards and take a sure shot.
I have all 3. 6.5 creed (20"), 6.5-284(24-28.5"), 6.5 PRC(22").

If you go short action the 6.5 PRC will serve you better than a creedmoor for the extra energy on elk. For deer, it won't matter. Hit them correctly with any of those it's a done deal. I use my light weight creed for long --- hikes and wolf and deer. We have had several clients kill good bulls at 500 with creeds and they were DRT. I'd likely go PRC or 284 if I went after elk long range tho. Simply because I have them and run 147's at 3000 plus in my 6.5-284 with a 28".

If you choose long action and don't want a magnum then the 6.5-284 is nice cartridge. I have been running those for several years and have had 7.

The 6.5 PRC has gunwerks/ADG brass available and so far it seems like a decent cartridge with a crap ton of potential. I am still messing with mine, only 30 rounds down the barrel, but it looks like it is going to be very easy to tune.
What's ur go to 6.5 bullet for elk?

To the op, the 143eldx is wicked on deer, could be too frangible for consistent elk killing
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