Have ypu ever fallen or dropped your rifle and knocked the scope off and ruined a hunt

Yes in 2018 on an elk/mule deer hunt in Idaho I slipped on some ice and slid quite a bit. Noticed my vx6 was dinged up a bit but didn't think it got knocked around too bad the next morning I thought about grabbing my back up rifle ( I always bring one on out of state hunts) but it was a considerably smaller caliber and we had elk patterned pretty well I had planned on taking a couple shots to check the zero that day at lunch but a big mule deer came out and gave me an opportunity I couldn't pass. Missed so badly the deer stood there allowing for 2 more shots, I thought it was my position on the first shot. It took all I had to not wrap that rifle around a tree. But I was more mad at myself not the rifle/scope. Lessons were learned that year.
Not yet....but a fellow I know can be worse to have along than a dropped rifle. Anyone going hunting with him (typically varmints) that he has any issue with is going to get his turrets cranked on whenever the owner isn't paying attention. @ButterBean will know exactly who I am referring to - hopefully that was never you my friend!
I've been fortunate. I've fallen on steep slopes, banging the rifle and scope, dropped my rifle, had it fall over from a set position, etc. I have some dinged-up scopes, but none were off when they got their bruises.
1993 in Colorado going down a steep mtn. I had a horse fall on it's side and slide about 50 yds.. I didn't have rifle in scabbard because we were going to retrive my elk. Was a bit scary but your accident scared cr@p out of me. We had a couple other horse/mule wrecks but not like yours. Had one in Escslante Ut. Buddies pack horse fell off cliff. At bottom the pack and all was laying by horse when it deflated hitting g ground.
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Martial Arts Ninja GIF by SZA

Seems like folks just need to take some ninja training…
Twice, but luckily the 2nd time it wasn't bad enough to ruin it.

Not happening again if I can help it, my equipment and setup is primarily based on toughness, reliability and holding zero now. So far so good though some pretty harsh treatment