Have you ever wondered what would happen if...


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota
...someone accidentally fired a 300 Win Mag in a 7 RUM chambered rifle? Wonder no more! Customer brought their rifle in after firing a 300 WM out of a 7mm RUM. The rifle survived. The bullet exited the barrel. Customer states that the bullet hit the target(I find this incredible in and of itself). The barrel will be scrapped. It came out of the receiver with a bit of effort. The recoil lug is stuck on the barrel tenon. The bolt had to be beat open with a mallet. QC department checked over the bolt and receiver and have cleared them for future duty as they pass muster with go/no-go thread gages. No noticeable bolt setback. Bolt will be lapped to receiver and await customers instructions for rebarrelling.

I accidentally proved that a 280 AI will fire nicely in a 7 RM a couple of years ago. Of course, that had no real consequences except one fireformed to 7 RM piece of expensive Nosler 280 AI brass.

Scary how this can happen -- I am not a lazy haphazard shooter. Could be the owner of the 7 RUM was an idiot, but probably not.

Moral of the story from me -- don't get cute with hot rifle barrels and try to alternate guns with all your ammo laying around on the bench. Several no-nos in one there. It was hot and I decided I could work on break-in and keep barrels cool by alternating guns.. Ughhh....

Sometimes near misses (terminology from industrial safety teaching and not shooting) are not punished. Sometimes they are......
I guess it's a very good thing that these rifles are built to withstand human stupidity, or frailty if you'd prefer to call it that. Not a mistake anyone is likely to ever make twice!

Then again, I'm not sure who said it but, "Never underestimate human stupidity!" Time will tell!