Hammer bullets stabilization

I have a 1-7.25" twist Helix 6 for a 25-284 build. I've got 500 of the 131 BJ on hand and would like to try the 128 HH as well. I know lots of guys say the BJ is working for hunting, but that's a very pointed bullet with not much of a hollow point.
Mild load with H1000 at 3504 fps...1.3" at 100 gives it 2.3" low at 300 yards. Anymore and I want to adjust aimpoint or dial...
At 3500 fps the 152g HH would give you a point blank range capability to 422y on a 5" radius zeroed at 360y. Calculated at 3000' elev.

At 3700 fsp it gives 445y PBR zeroed at 380y.
I personally prefer to run my hunting rifles closer to 2.0sg calculated at sea level for hunting. This insures straighter line penetration.

The more "normal" length for caliber the less this seems to matter. The longer for caliber the bullets get the more critical the twist rate gets. The 30 cal 181g HH is on the edge for 10" twist. It is between the 181g HH and the 6.5mm 124g HH as to which one is the most popular. I think there has been a couple times that I know of that the 181g had an issue in a 10" twist at sea level and cold temps. Like @HARPERC said, there is very much a good chance of twist variation from the advertised twist. Particularly with button rifled barrels.

So anyway, you guys with 10" twist barrels that want to run the 181g HH, go for it. If it doesn't work out well, let me know and we will get you a diff bullet that will. I don't think this will be a problem though.

When the 411 gr in .375 shot 18" flatter than the 395 gr @ 1000 but wouldn't stabilize in my 10 twist, Steve said they'd work on it.

I sent them my 375 Allen Mag as a development platform(which was misdirected to someplace in Indiana - which is a whole 'nother story).

After the Hammer boys finally got the rifle they very shortly returned her with 411 gr HHS that are very accurate and proven stable to 1300 at their elevation. My elevation is higher than theirs so I'm pretty much in tall cotton.

At a 3050 FPS they are a force to be reckoned with.

You can take what Bryan and Steve day to the bank 🏦!
I'm saving that pic for my own records and superimposed the labeling ... in case anyone else wants it, here it is.


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I've read so much on here about hammers I had to order some and I ordered 139g hunters.I loaded them over 7828 but my rifle has a twist of 9.5 on a 7mag what difference do you think that will make ?
.......I've read so much on here about hammers I had to order some and I ordered 139g hunters.I loaded them over 7828 but my rifle has a twist of 9.5 on a 7mag what difference do you think that will make ?..........

I don't see a .284, 139 grain offered.
My bad... 131g.. but I have found an answer by looking at another thread.. you see although I've been a member here for a while my occupation doesn't allow me the time to be "active" and I do have limited knowledge on these things.I found an answer on a thread about Browning X Bolt hells canyon rifles.
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We're kind of a measuring clan, new to me since playing with Hammer's. My .375 custom barrel was supposed to be 1-10"-it's 1-11".

How many are actually measuring twist?

Don't get me started on that! I've got two barrel makers who're on my "no-go" list now for that reason. Both shops told me that there's no way to accurately measure rifling twist at home and that the cleaning rod method was equivalent to weighing powder charges on a bathroom scale. The twist on both barrels was off by more than 1"

If you plan to shoot just solid copper bullets or stick with moderate velocities, then go ahead an spin them as fast as you can. A fast twist and high velocity can do horrible things to a lead core bullet though!
........My bad... 131g.. but I have found an answer by looking at another thread.. you see although I've been a member here for a while my occupation doesn't allow me the time to be "active" and I do have limited knowledge on these things.I found an answer on a thread about Browning X Bolt hells canyon rifles......

No harm done, just didn't want to tell you the wrong info.

Hammer list preferred twist on their site if you want to look at others. The Shock Hammers, can get you heavier with less twist. Nothing wrong with what you have, just opening possibilities.
Good Luck!
My bad... 131g.. but I have found an answer by looking at another thread.. you see although I've been a member here for a while my occupation doesn't allow me the time to be "active" and I do have limited knowledge on these things.I found an answer on a thread about Browning X Bolt hells canyon rifles.
The 131g Hammer Hunter would be my choice for the 9.5" twist. Run them up to about 3400 fsp and have fun with them!
Here is a pic of a few 30 cal Bullets for comparison with Hammers as well.
Left to right:
Barnes Tac-TX 110 gr
Hammer Hunter 152 gr
Berger VLD hunting 168 gr
Berger Classic Hunter 185 gr
Hammer Hunter 181 gr

Bullets are so pretty...
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