Hammer bullets stabilization

I personally prefer to run my hunting rifles closer to 2.0sg calculated at sea level for hunting. This insures straighter line penetration.

The more "normal" length for caliber the less this seems to matter. The longer for caliber the bullets get the more critical the twist rate gets. The 30 cal 181g HH is on the edge for 10" twist. It is between the 181g HH and the 6.5mm 124g HH as to which one is the most popular. I think there has been a couple times that I know of that the 181g had an issue in a 10" twist at sea level and cold temps. Like @HARPERC said, there is very much a good chance of twist variation from the advertised twist. Particularly with button rifled barrels.

So anyway, you guys with 10" twist barrels that want to run the 181g HH, go for it. If it doesn't work out well, let me know and we will get you a diff bullet that will. I don't think this will be a problem though.
Miller Lite ?
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That's super cool I wish I would have gone with a 1/7 or 8 in my new. It was my first custom and told the builder I would never shoot anything lighter than a 115. And I still got a 10 twist and this wasn't that long ago. I've now realized I need to pick my own components and not leave it up to the builder. At that time I assumed they would steer me right.

This is exactly how I ended up with a 12 twist 300 rum.
I have a 12 twist RUM as well. 152 HH is a laser beam...Only thing I felt was going to be strong enough at RUM velocities was a solid...and it had to be a Hammer!

when I talked to Steve that is where he led me. it was a hunting rifle and I stayed with the accubonds because of MTMulie. It shoots the 180s right at 3400.
when I talked to Steve that is where he led me. it was a hunting rifle and I stayed with the accubonds because of MTMulie. It shoots the 180s right at 3400.
Should be able to get pretty close to 3700 fps with the 152g Hammer Hunters. Pretty close to point and squeeze to 500y!
I had a claimed by Pac-Nor 8 twist 6.5 barrel that would not stabilize the HH124 grain. I switched to the Sledgehammer 130 and killed a lot of stuff. I received a call from Wayne at Pendleton Stocks yesterday. He finished boring it out to 8mm 9 twist. Now I have to order some 200 grainers from Steve. Well, that is as soon as I get my .gov $1,200. :)
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