Just to add a little experience on elk from shots I've taken or witnessed taken. With the 181 hunters from a 30 Nosler, five elk taken with great penetration, one poor hit in the hind that broke the femur going thru, broke the other femur going out, bullet at 80% weight retention, found in the hide. Last week, I shot a mature bull with the 196, quartering to me very slightly, bullet entered just left of center, bullet was found just behind the off shoulder, excellent penetration with very nice retained weight, the bull just dropped in his tracks. The two largest bulls have been at approximately 200 yards, good tests of the bullet design with hits on bone. They are the best bullets I've used with very little bloodshot meat damage. That secondary benefit is rarely discussed but less meat waste than any bullet I've tried. The additional benefit is supporting a small business that's growing rapidly, and delivering solid performance.