Gunbroker purchase mysteries...

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Hi all,

I recently found a Weatherby Mark V for a great price on Gunbroker. It had been rebarrelled in 300 Lapua by the seller with a heavy contour Krieger, and my plan was to rebarrel it or send it out to be rebored/rechambered in .338 Lapua.

When I pulled the barreled action off of the stock, I found two threaded holes partially drilled through the barrel in about the 7 or 8 o'clock position (they weren't visible with the stock on). They're about a quarter of an inch deep. Just based on the spacing, I'm guessing they're from a rear sight? They also don't leave me with the impression that there's much steel left between the holes and chamber.

Also, it is kind of visible in the photo with the rear lug, but it looks like there's a separate ring of metal between the barrel and the action...

Any thoughts on or explanations for these mysteries (at least for me) would be much appreciated. They weren't mentioned by the seller, who gave me the impression the barrel came to this action straight from the factory. This won't be all that relevant once I move forward with rebarrelling (probably won't rebore and rechamber with this barrel), but I'm curious and like to know as much as I can about the past lives of my firearms.

The plan all along has been to rebarrel...the original post was really more about wondering what others with more experience saw when they looked at this thing. It definitely seems like it was something of an experiment/pieced-together rifle.

Reboring was an idea I toyed with just because there are a lot of accounts of people getting great results sending rifles out to places like Classic Barrel & Gunworks, and I've always been curious about the process. I know there are a lot of mixed opinions about reboring, but this barrel would've been a good candidate if it had been what I expected: an aftermarket, relatively new Krieger that had been chambered once, not set back, etc. Obviously that's not the case.

As it is, the price on this thing was good enough that I bought it for the action alone, which is essentially what I'm left with.
The part I'm still curious about it this "ring," for lack of a better term.
Well, for anyone who is/was curious....I pulled the barrel off this afternoon and the "ring" was in fact just that: a 1/4" or so spacer slid over a thinner section of barrel. Just came right loose as soon as the barrel did.


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