Component action purchased; is it a rifle action or pistol?

The advantage of the Savage is I can have a variety of barrels to switch out. Long range target, hunting barrels. This is my first pistol in this category.
I just want this done correctly so my friendly LEO, will not be confiscating my stuff because something isn't adding up.
Mark as "other" on the bg check form just like any bare receiver.. Nothing federally to send to atf unless it's an sbr, sbs, or aow. If your ffl guy already marked it as a rifle you are screwed as a rifle can never be made into a pistol.

Doesn't really matter in the big pic as you'll soon be shooting it with a pistol grip only as Biden will most likely re-classify the "pistol stabiler" as an sbr and you'll have to serialize it and buy a tax stamp to run one.
When I buy such a receiver, it's logged in as a "receiver", then when completed, logged out as a "rifle" (could be as a pistol, though) to the customer.

My local ATF agent told me to contact the technology branch FATD for questions related to "bolt action pistols".
Now the new forms from ATF has a spot to mark for long gun ( rifle or shotgun ) , pistol and other ( frame ,receiver, etc. ) rifle 16.5 barrel length pistol 15.5 under. As of Nov. 1, 2020.
Yes, I just downloaded it. When I pick this up, and they do the 4473, can I instruct them to put "receiver" in box 6? The seller remembers "pistol" in that box when he bought it under same form. It was not a pistol at that time, as issued from Savage was a complete receiver assy'.
Buying a nib Savage action complete as a component assembly. Neither a rifle nor a pistol. I am building a pistol. Is it in need of a BATFE form to declare it a pistol?
For you gunsmiths dealing with this jungle of regs, what do you think?
Bob, I deal with this all the time. As with an AR lower, it's neither a pistol or rifle until made into such. It is just an action, and as such you identify it as such in the form 4473, marked as such in Question 24: handgun, long gun (rifle/shotgun) or Other Firearm (Frame, Reciever, Etc.). It is neutral: neither a handgun nor long gun until you make it such.
Bob, I deal with this all the time. As with an AR lower, it's neither a pistol or rifle until made into such. It is just an action, and as such you identify it as such in the form 4473, marked as such in Question 24: handgun, long gun (rifle/shotgun) or Other Firearm (Frame, Reciever, Etc.). It is neutral: neither a handgun nor long gun until you make it such.
If the previous owner remembers it as "pistol" in the "type" (box #4),
Can I have the FFL shop correct it to "receiver", or will that blow BATFE's mind?
(The form I downloaded shows box 4 for that now).
I see in Section C, another entry for "other".


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