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Guided elk hunt

So I'm wanting to go on a guide elk hunt in the coming years. I have zero preference points in any state for elk. Curious if anyone on here has any recommendations for a Outfitter with little to no preference points. Been looking in Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. I know New Mexico you can purchase a hunt and landowner tag, but that's going to be out of my price range.
Try Snake River Outfitters in CO. Land owner tags, good camp, good food, great guides. Went last two years, killed decent bulls and booked for next year. PM me if you want more info.
In most cases, but not all if you do a DIY hunt or even if you find an area where it's over the counter tags even with an outfitter, your chances are very small in being successful. Thus, you may have to go multiple times to be successful, which in the long run it may be more expensive than doing say a landowner tag like New Mexico right off the bat. Just my experience anyway.
True statement..... from expierience.....
I've lived in Colorado since 1976. Hunted elk most years including several archery hunting. Taken 17 which is a good percentage. Always wanted to go on a horse pack trip, but at 75 I've about run out of time.
Saw a fine 6 pointer the day before opening this year, then not even a fresh track for the next 6 days. It can be discouraging.
Your chances increase a lot I would think by hiring an outfitter since they, usually, are in the area scouting and learning the country long before the season opens.
It costs a lot for horses, equipment, food, manpower to run an outfit. Nothing in hunting can nor should guarantee success. You can only hunt hard and hunt wisely.
BTW, the area I hunted (Gore Pass near Kremmling, CO) in this year you could easily apply for a cow tag and buy an OTC bull tag increasing your chances…though I failed…LOL!
Lots more hunters these days in Colorado than even 20 years ago. Still if you're capable of hiking (maybe even in snow!) 1-2 miles away from roads your chances increase greatly. But remember you still have to haul your prize back out. That is likely 4-5 round trips. Very tough on a 75 yo man.

Best of luck and don't waist time in your youth to get the chance to hunt the mountains for elk! It is special!
Long time elk hunter.Think I've taken about 14 with my bow.I spent about $5000 this year gear-gas,truck needed a full brake job to go farther from home.Early cold, Lots of snow.Spent 36 long days out.Rifle season saw 1 cow and 5 muley w/ forks horn. My past 20 elk ...been 6x6
I have hunted the UU Bar ranch in norther NM as a guest not from our cabin in Ute Park NM. You would not be disappointed and you will get an elk. I hear it is pricy though.
I have seen some videos on that property and have driven extensively around that area, it is absolutely gorgeous country.
I don't begrudge any outfitters/guides etc from charging what they charge, they do have their expenses, I'm just not willing to pay that kind of money for any non resident hunting opportunities regardless of the state. And now Wyoming is going to charge $2k for an elk tag? Might be cheaper to move every 5 years or so to states where you want to hunt so you can do so as a resident.