Got my rifle back

Yep those colors look really good on the stock...i might have put a few spot colors on the barrel........
Because when I lean a gun against a tree I like to see it disappear.......
As I almost did with a gun a few years me about a hour to find that damned thing......still leaning against the tree.........
When i lose something...i really want lose it...........
Kinda like those rifles found in the crotch of trees......found buried and grown into the tree.......someday I will do just that.......and not on purpose....but maybe we should start a tree burial service for some older a great way to repurpose them burnt out, broken works of art....instead of making garbage of them on shelves.......

Nice rifle Sykes
I'd love to find one of those old rifles forgotten and grown into a tree. I've heard of one in my area from an old timer that grew up in these mountains. He saw it, an old lever action winchester, while chasing cattle through the mountains. He took his bearings so he could come back and cut the tree and all out and take it home but after a week of looking he could never find it again.
Lol.....he had to try to find a gun someone left or long ago....
I was trying to find the gun I leaned not ten minutes
And that was 6 years ago...when I was of my corrects mind.....just absent good directional bearing, train of thought, and looking for was probably within 20 feet of it more than three
He was a teenager and if still alive he would be in his 70s now. He said the first few inches of the barrel were grown into the old pine tree and the buttstock was rotted and gone for the most part so my guess is the rifle was lost in the early 1900s. Would be a neat find for sure!
Sent my Christensen Arms Ridgeline off to Mesa Precision to get one of thier Altitude stocks bedded and fitted. This is the first rifle I've ever had anything custom done to it and it turned out awesome so thought I'd share.
CA Ridgeline 6.5 PRC
Mesa Precision Altitude stock in desert camo
Leupold VX6HD 3-18X44 in Hawkins Hybrid rings View attachment 132028 View attachment 132029 View attachment 132032

I know this is an old post but I have curious about your Hawkins Rings. I have mine installed like yours but every other Hawkins Rings I have seen on guns they have the front ring turn around. Have you have any issues with the way your front ring is oriented? Are yours the 25 MOA versions?
Mine are the 25 MOA and I have had no problems. All works well. Maybe the long action requires the front to be turned around? I'm not real sure
I got home and tore it all apart. Yours and mine look to be correct. Hawkins said they weren't when I sent them an email. I took a picture of the arrow going forward. It will be interesting what they say back. Mines a SA as well.
I installed a C.A. 4 port brake on my 6.5 Ridgeline . It made it shoot higher than the radial brake it came with. Just saying
Ok yea I didnt think the 25 MOA were reversible.
Sykes, I hope I didnt scare you on how your rings are set up. Hawkins confrimed just a bit ago that we do have them set up correct. They didn't see I typed SA initially and assumed i had a LA. Hawkins Hybrids for short action are supposed to be like ours.
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Sykes, I hope I didnt scare you on how your rings are set up. Hawkins confrimed just a bit ago that we do have them set up correct. They didn't see I typed SA initially and assumed i had a LA. Hawkins Hybrids for short action are supposed to be like ours.
The rings have arrows on em pointed toward the muzzle. The ring with the bubble obviously goes on the rear.
The rings have arrows on em pointed toward the muzzle. The ring with the bubble obviously goes on the rear.
Yes Sir, That's how I had them installed. Then I notice a ton of other people that had the front ring on different than mine. Turns out theirs were LA's and mine is a SA.
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