Got my 6.5 saum together

783 actions are machined very, very true, more so than any of the other factory actions I have checked. I took the trigger apart on mine and re sprung it, now it is Less than 1lb. Mine is a 6.5 creed with a Boyd's stock, 29" Krieger MHV is hanging off the end of the action, completely freefloated, and brother, this rifle shoots tiny bug holes. The factory recoil lugs are machined very, very flat also with only a couple of tenths variation from side to side.
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My 29" Krieger, Heavy Palma, with Harrells muzzle break, 140g Hornaday bthp Match shot bug holes(groups in the .200-.285) within 15 shots with me loading at the range including sight in. I was doing head shots only at 600 on the steel, which is what it should have done.
My 29" Krieger, Heavy Palma, with Harrells muzzle break, 140g Hornaday bthp Match shot bug holes(groups in the .200-.285) within 15 shots with me loading at the range including sight in. I was doing head shots only at 600 on the steel, which is what it should have done.
I put the rifle in a vice & pulled the bolt out and got the top of a small tree at aprx 100 yds centered in the bore while looking through the bore, adjusted my reticle to center of the same tree top. Then commenced to fire three shots at my 300 yd gong and hit it for all three shots. Now that's what I call bore sighting.
Haven't got to shoot much but I got to have a little fun for about 10 minutes today. Shot my first group today with the prime ammo. I was very pleased.
I shot a few 147 elds with n570 today. 63 gr n570 gave me 3122 fps. I had to us a drop tube funnel to get it in the case without it being even with the case mouth. I wish I could find some adg brass for this combo.
I bought some ADG off a guy a while back. Keep saying I'm going to try it but just too busy right now and my old neck turned RP will probably last 4-5 more shots before the pockets go. I originally misread the post and thought it was all new but 50 were 1x fired. If you are interested in the 50 1x stuff I'll sell em to you. Can't remember but I think I've already resized em.

I've probably also got 100 new Remington 300 SAUM neck turned and all ready to go if you want em.

Let me know what you think.
I gotchya.

The 100 RP probably cost me $125. They've been full prepped. Sized, trimmed, turned, pockets depth uniformed, flash hole deburred, chamfered, annealed, and tumbled. After all that work I'd go $180 shipped for 100 if it'll help you out. I don't push my loads and usually get 7-10 loads out of them before the pockets go.

I realize that's not a great price compared to the known quality of ADG but at the same time I've got a lot of work in 100 pieces.
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