Check out their political position and ideology
Check out their ideology
Check out their idiology and political affiliation.
And if you "don't believe in" white supremacists then I dunno what to tell you or what world you're living in. Proud boys/kkk/black panthers/Muslim extremists are all just different sides of the same problem. And guess what... They all exist. If you don't believe that, then you better keep your head in the sand, because the world is a worse place that you already think it is
OK, KKK and Aryan Brother are left wing, KKK has always been Democrats. Don't know about the proud boys. Wikipedia is a proven left wing propaganda outlet. I have lived around KKK members all my life. Since it is morning and I have a computer instead of a phone I am going to explain to you what (the far right fringe) the media is so afraid of is all about, for I am one and understand the truth about what members truly believe. Ready?
I believe in the rule of law, that it must be obeyed, changed if unjust, but obeyed until then. I detest anyone who thinks they are above it.
I believe a man should be judged by his character, not the color of his skin, or who he sleeps with.
I believe every man has a right to his opinion.
Along with that, I detest anyone who thinks they should compel me to agree and accept their views as my own. No one should be able to petition government to compel me to do so either.
I hate liars and thieves. Doesn't make any difference weather they are in government or the private sector.
I especially despise those that put their hand on the bible and take an oath, and then break it.
I believe in Charity, a noble thing. I also believe government has no business being involved in it. I learned as a child the best way to trap ANY animal was with the right bait (food). This is exactly what government does to individuals and countries. They take taxpayer money and use it to bribe them to get what they want. Wealth redistribution is simply theft at the point of the government's gun.
I believe in the Constitution as written. It was written in a way that anyone can understand, and politicians and liberal judges have tried, and often succeeded into twisting the words into what THEY wish it says and means. There is a path for changing the parts that the people don't like, but it is messy and requires too many of us to agree with them, so they go a different way.
I believe in property rights. If those were respected like they used to be, there would be much less conflict.
I believe God's law trumps man's law. The Bill of Rights are based on God's Law and are strict limits on government that are currently not being obeyed.
I believe that a man that is too worried about what others might think to really speak his mind is a coward.
I could go on and on but you get the drift. A child should be easily able to understand why the Media and the left want to silence and ridicule me. They are afraid of me because I neither care what they think or fear them.