AND.... right on que, the lefty is back to literally argue with everyone and try to distract with a bunch of "facts" and feelings. If only he fought with us 1/10th as hard as he fights against.
I guess I'm glad he's here for 3 reasons (silver lining I guess lol)
1.Helps keep this thread towards the top, even though it distracts from the point and direction at hand.
2.He demonstrates exactly what the left does. They fight against everything instead of for something. They love to just argue with everyone and distract from the situation. They pull it so far out of bounds that the points typically get lost in the weeds. We continue to fall for it. If I didn't know better, I would think he's been trying to get this inflamed to the point where the thread gets deleted and censored.
3.Fires up the base ("those god fearing people who cling to their guns and their religion") and puts it more into perspective about what we need to do to keep our rights.
America is waking up about what's going on and Trump has opened many peoples eyes. We are seeing the full on evil and corruption that's been at play here and who is in power on the left that will stop at absolutely nothing until they rule America. Don't think for yourself, just shut up and obey!
Let's go in order then...
I do care about facts. And you should too. If you don't use your brain and verify the things the you see on the news/internet then you're no better than a lemming just following the leader right off of a cliff. I fight every bit as hard for our gun rights as anyone, probably harder than most people on this forum. And "lefty"? Just because I'm not as far off center as you are doesn't make me a "lefty" lol. You're treating politics like my wife treats the ac/heat in the car... There's more than 2 positions lol
1) what, exactly, is the point of this discussion then since you seem to want to be the thread police?
2) I'm not fighting against anything other than blindly believing some political figure (of any party) or the media. I'm fighting to get people to start using their brains, exercising their critical thinking skills, and basing opinions on actual facts instead of just feelings.
And as far as trying to get this thread censored? If you'd actually read my posts you'd see that I've been trying to avoid topics that would violate forum rules and stear it back to safer ground because there have been some good discussions here that I'd rather not have deleted. Not everyone feels the same about everything, and living in an echo chamber isn't healthy for anyone.
3) there's nothing wrong with God (big G since you forgot it) fearing people that cling to their guns and their religion. Whatever gave you the idea that I have an issue with that? Did you not actually read my other posts?
You know, your last sentence is exactly what I'm fighting against.
"Don't think for yourself, just shut up and obey!"
This exactly what I'm trying to STOP people from doing.
Stop blindly believing the media just because they're telling you things that you *feel* are correct. Stop letting those in power feed you "alternative facts" stop being part of a herd.
Start seeking out verifiable facts. Start realizing that ALL politicians have their own agendas. Start thinking critically and analytically about how best to further your specific goals for the good of this country.
Your views may be different than mine (probably a lot closer than you seem to think) BUT THAT'S OKAY.
Each person has their own reasons for wanting what they want, and thru font all want tge exact same thing. AND THAT'S OKAY.
You might like vanilla bean ice cream best, I'm more of a French vanilla kinda guy, other people like pistachio, or mint chocolate chip, or, God forbid, chocolate best. AND THAT'S OKAY.