Get the popcorn out

And plenty of options to choose from. In my LGS, 6.5 CM, .308 Win, and .30-06 domintaes the shelves.

It is interesting how ammo is a regional thing.
Around here 308 and 30-06 are rare to see in stores, and ask locals what they shoot, and very few shoot them. But travel east a province, and those seem somewhat popular in Alberta, and I see the ammo for them is more plentiful in stores. While in Washington state, again those seem popular, so around me is this little pocket where they aren't for some reason. It really doesn't make sense to me, just is for whatever reason.

I usually shy away from even remotely 6.5 Creedmoor related threads, but it just so happens that I have a "story", too. A couple years ago AFTER our general gun season for deer had closed I was talking to another deputy who had a "deer story"…..said he was in his stand one morning and saw a big buck in an open field at an alleged 400 yards away and "ALL" he had was a 30-06 so he couldn't take the shot and he left the hunting grounds that day in disgust. He went on to tell me that he had taken advantage of a Black Friday deal (on the morning of our conversation) and purchased a Savage in 6.5 Creedmoor so he could just……..wait for it……"point and shoot" should that situation arise the following year. I'm sure the look on my face was EXACTLY like the following….
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If he had just bought it that morning he would not have been used to it yet, or even had it sighted in properly. But also would he have had the drop memorized yet at 400 yards, his scope all figured out so that he could set it blind folded, or anything else.

By the way, I know a guy who has a 30-06, he lives down the road just 15 miles or so. Next time I see him, will have to remember that story, and tease him about his gun not being capable of a 400 yard shot, that will make him laugh.
He should be due to come buy some hay soon for his horses.
You really wanna get out popcorn? Sit back and watch people talk about how much better a 308 is than a 6.5….. lol

Those two are so similar, its more about just picking what you like the day of shopping in my opinion.
Want to rock it old school then 308, or rock it more modern 6.5 Cr, but they compare pretty equally.
A long, long, long time ago🤣

If really wanting to annoy the old timers, name anything that's been around 50 plus years, and compare it to anything with PRC in the name. That tends to quickly cause an emotional melt down in a certain amount of the older population. 🤣🤣🤣

You'll need about 25 tubs of popcorn, if you start a 7 mag vs 7 prc, or 300 mag vs 300 prc thread. 😁

Only topic that makes more heads explode than those, is a nightmare errr nightforce vs any other brand of scope thread. I wouldn't be surprised if nightforce is made in a compound, near Wako, the CEO wears a robe, and has given all employees suicide pills to swallow if the police show up at the door. 😂
If really wanting to annoy the old timers, name anything that's been around 50 plus years, and compare it to anything with PRC in the name. That tends to quickly cause an emotional melt down in a certain amount of the older population. 🤣🤣🤣

You'll need about 25 tubs of popcorn, if you start a 7 mag vs 7 prc, or 300 mag vs 300 prc thread. 😁

Only topic that makes more heads explode than those, is a nightmare errr nightforce vs any other brand of scope thread. I wouldn't be surprised if nightforce is made in a compound, near Wako, the CEO wears a robe, and has given all employees suicide pills to swallow if the police show up at the door. 😂
I thought they were made in China or something? 🤣
You sure your not watching to many si-fi movies late nite ?. Santa might un/plug your dish . Lol you're supposed to sleep ,because you've got to work in the morning remember?!!. Ok ok I'll Roc it old school,only because I've got one or two of every cartridges you named but the needmor . Beam me up Oh-Hera dis is Captain Kirk ,,,,lol ,,,,,..
If he had just bought it that morning he would not have been used to it yet, or even had it sighted in properly. But also would he have had the drop memorized yet at 400 yards, his scope all figured out so that he could set it blind folded, or anything else.
No…..this guy just didn't/doesn't have a clue about 'ballistics'. I hated to do it (not really), but I told him that his 30-06 was perfectly capable of making that shot if he knew the "drops" and could either hold or dial appropriately. He asked me how he could possibly know "ALL" that ? (I was getting uncomfortable at this point and knew that he as the shooter COULDN'T make that shot 🤮) So, I told him to get a chronograph and establish his average muzzle velocity for the factory ammo he was using and then use a free ballistic app for the drops OR (and better still) actually shoot at the distances he might encounter and record the drops and make a chart. He replied by saying (and I quote) "Well, I'm NOT gonna do all that stuff!" It was right then and there that I told him "Then you wasted your money on a NEW 6.5 Creedmoor because THAT'S what you'd have to do with that rifle, too…..if you wanna actually hit what your aiming at….it's not a laser beam!" He shook his head and uttered a few curse words in my direction (I think) and simply walked away. 🤷‍♂️ Very, very sad….but very, very true.