Get the copper out!

well I guess everybody here has heard my cuss the barrel on a 700 I own too many times to count!! The rifeling is so bad that it looks like it copper plated after about fifteen rounds! Shooters Choice and Butches won't get it done. 7.62 will take about 2/3rds of it out, but not in the corners. A guy told me to try 28% amonia, but don't leave it in there for more than five minutes. This'll take it all outta there! Usually have to run patches thru the barrel two or three times, and clean it all out. After that I lube the barrel really good
I am an amonia fan too, though I use 10% solution in quart bottles from Ace hardware for $2.50. The weaker 3% cleaning solutions aren't strong enough to do the job while the more concentrated solutions are too caustic to my nose hairs :D and add little benefit beyond the 10%. I never let it set in the barrel loner than 15 minutes and follow it with dry patches, then oil. As long as you don't let it set overnight corrosion will not be a problem. Try wipeout and or the K product line then follow up with 10% ammonia, then reverse the order with another fouled barrel and compare...$2.50 worth of ammonia will last years and outperforms the heavily marketed cleaners for copper.
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