Can't seem to get the copper out.

I have often thought about using a plug,and filling the barrel full of solvent and letting it soak for 24 hrs.This isn't something I would do all the time,just when the barrel is extra dirty.
I have often thought about using a plug,and filling the barrel full of solvent and letting it soak for 24 hrs.This isn't something I would do all the time,just when the barrel is extra dirty.

My match gun is a genuine copper mine......impossable to clean. After a day of shooting, I spend a couple of hours cleaning(ISSO,TM, JB, ect...), followed by 48 hours with a bbl full of a mixture of sweets 7.62 and Butches Bore shine....followed by another hour of scrubbing, followed by another 48 hour soak, followed by another scrub job or two!!!! Now my gun is still not clean, but by this time I am so sick of cleaning it that I say "what the f...." and shoot it anyway.

People tell me that I have ruined this bbl. 1200 rounds (300 wby) later it shoots as good as I can shoot. The last 1K match It shot a 5" and a 2 " five shot groups and the two 10 shot groups had 9 shots into 3" with 1 flyer on each target. *^##@*&^^

I don't even know why I clean the thing that much......It always seemed to shoot better in the shootoffs than in the match. We usualy shoot 2 matches in a day, and I clean it a little between matches (50 - 60 rounds) .......just so I can be like all the big guys!!:rolleyes:

I haven't tried Wipe Out....a lot of the bench guys swear by it.

Good luck with that........By the way.:D
Thanks for all the replies.

It seems that I was getting a false reading from the nylon brush, or I just happened to get all of the copper out when I tried it w/o the brush. No copper showed when I did not use the brush.

I have seen nylon brushes before that do not have a brass center, but I do not remember a brand. Anyone know?

Still puzzles me that I do not get the trace purple on the patches w/ my own rifles.

Lilja claims that he believes you can over clean a bore. That if a bore is completely stripped when cleaned it is like starting the break in process over again.

Thanks again, Steve
Once again, this is the best cleaner (powder and copper) I've tried:
+1. I use this on the most stubborn bbls. However, I have found MT Extreme, and Gunslick foam to work very well. Wipeout is ok if you do long soaks (overnight) about 3x.

The only true way to see if you are cleaning the bore is with a borescope. I don't put a lot of weight into patch examination, unless it's black from powder fouling. KG-1 is a great powder fouling cleaner.
Sounds like you've got the bore clean but if you're still getting fliers you might want to take a good look at the crown. In good light and using magnification, check for nicks or other damage. If you find anything like that you can have the barrel recrowned.

Thanks Festus,

Shot the rifle again yesterday using the OCW method at 100 yrds. groups are in the 3" range. I think I will have the barrel scoped tomorrow. If I can find that the barrel is fine, then I can have confidence in finding a load that works. I think there is a problem. Never had a rifle shoot this loose other than w/ factory ammo.

Although it is a Remmington.:rolleyes: Just kidding guys.

Got the barrel scoped. It shows some heavy heat cracking, rust pitting, and copper fouling. It also shows a lot of tooling marks. This one is a bit puzzling, as this is not from abuse. This is reported to be a Lilja barrel, although there is no identifying marks to say so.

Upshot is the smith that scoped it thought we could salvage some accuracy out of the rifle if I can get it stripped down. Trying JB Bore Cleaning Compound along w/ Barnes copper solvent. Hopefully this will get this rifle down to a good enough group to hunt to 300yrds.

+1. I use this on the most stubborn bbls. However, I have found MT Extreme, and Gunslick foam to work very well. Wipeout is ok if you do long soaks (overnight) about 3x.

The only true way to see if you are cleaning the bore is with a borescope. I don't put a lot of weight into patch examination, unless it's black from powder fouling. KG-1 is a great powder fouling cleaner.

Gunslick Foaming Bore Cleaner is the best stuff I have used so far, it is phenomenal, and there is no ammonia, so let it sit in your bore overnight if you have too.

By the way, Hoppes makes nylon (tynex) brushes with stainless, not copper center.

Good luck.
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