If corporations aren't people then what are they? Without people they don't exist. We don't have pure capitalism because the government over regulates. When the government does this it drives up prices period.I am not blaming the oil companies but rather their business practices are the reason gas prices are so high. They are trying to make as much money as possible. Its what they do. Why else would they exist? It seems like some people want to believe that corporations are people. Do you really think corporations have a conscience and would be more than happy reduce their profits in order to help the american people but its the mean ole government that won't let them spread their generosity across this great nation. If you need to blame something then blame our love for capitalism and the free market because ultimately, its to blame and the catalyst to current gas prices is the crash back in 2020 but Biden wasn't president back then so we don't want to admit that.
Let's take health care for a simple example. When Obamacare passed it instantly doubled prices and has done nothing but increase since then. I was a trustee on a health and welfare board at the time and I predicted this and nobody on the board believed it. They would not increase funding so I resigned and within a year the fund almost went belly up. They had to increase funding by 3x just so people didn't lose their health insurance.
Another example is the "paycheck protection plan" during covid. There was never a reason to shut down the economy but the government stepped in and forced buisnesses to shut down. The business I work for had a terrible year last year. We did not take the money and would not have even if we were eligible. Many businesses in the same industry that shut down and collected government money had a great year. For several reasons because of this our business is in a stronger position for not taking the money.
In my lifetime I have never seen the government get involved with anything that made it cheaper for the consumer. The price always goes up and then the Kool aid drinkers like yourself blame the corporations and ask for more government involvement. Common sense to some of us.